[ad_1] Winter is coming to New Mexico this year with a vengeance. It should be fine if you just stay out of the wind. First, to...
[ad_1] “Back when my dad strapped me in his belt for a good safe ride!” (submitted by Meredith) The post Safety Belt appeared first on...
[ad_1] “This is the photo of my grandmother holding me just hours after I was born. Clearly she was enthused about the arrival of her 5th...
[ad_1] “Either I was really persistent or my mom was done being creative with the costumes but I cut 2 eye holes in the hollowed out...
[ad_1] Isn’t Astronomy fascinating? You can learn so much about the universe around you! For example that your life is meaningless in the grand scheme of...
[ad_1] And don’t worry, your family, friends and neighbors(tax payers) can take another hit for the team and bail you out on the student debt from...
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[ad_1] John Deering is chief editorial cartoonist for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, the state’s largest newspaper. Five times a week, his cartoon comments entertain (or sometimes enrage) readers...
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[ad_1] Tags: Egypt, Conflict, Israel 4612 points, 961 comments. [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] In the cinematic classic They Live, the protagonist is a drifter named “Nada”- nothing. Zizek derives much meaning from this, which is an entertaining rant...
[ad_1] Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders is facing criticism after a public records request revealed that her office bought a lectern for $19,000, and a whistleblower...
[ad_1] “I was baptised when I was about 10 and yes, those are my legs.” (submitted by IG @stronger.amy) The post The Big Tipper appeared first...
[ad_1] “So this was taken in 1988 for my kindergarten picture day. My mom hand picked this shirt/tie combo but I’m not sure of the story...
[ad_1] Name a more iconic duo than golfing while drinking. A pastime as American as apple pie, there’s truly no better way to blow off some...
[ad_1] Tags: 9gag, random, israel, palestine, gaza 5774 points, 1602 comments. [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] John Deering is chief editorial cartoonist for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, the state’s largest newspaper. Five times a week, his cartoon comments entertain (or sometimes enrage) readers...
[ad_1] Actually, given what we know of humanity, it should not bother you that they do no accept you as one of their own. To the...
[ad_1] Dom works on a codebase which has fallen victim to Greenspun’s Tenth Rule. Yes, they’ve implemented a user customization system that is an “ad hoc,...
[ad_1] NEW YORK—Claiming that the humanizing of occupied peoples is not what the newspaper stands for, The New York Times issued an apology Tuesday for reporting...