[ad_1] Bats are firmly rooted in Western vampire lore, but only three species out of some 1100 in the order Chiroptera actually have a taste for...
[ad_1] There’s something to enjoy about every season—though that’s sometimes hard to remember when scraping ice off your car in January or sweating through your sheets...
[ad_1] The Weekly World News existed because the owner of the National Enquirer switched to color printing, but he didn’t want to throw away a perfectly...
[ad_1] There are plenty of misconceptions about pirates, from their pet parrots to walking the plank to whether they actually say arrrr. People may assume pirates...
[ad_1] We’ve all heard someone use the term 86 in reference to doing away with something. There are a few schools of thought behind where the...
[ad_1] Long before the uncool could quietly search for the meaning of baffling slang on Urban Dictionary, they could pay 25 cents for a booklet that...
[ad_1] Sometimes words move up in the world. Their meanings change with time, becoming more positive—a process linguists call amelioration. Here are some ameliorated words that...
[ad_1] While mustaches are now a matter of choice (and occasionally worn tongue-in-cheek), a century ago a man’s facial hair was serious business. Mustaches and beards...
[ad_1] You may know that the South Pole sits on solid land and the North Pole is but a spot in the Arctic Ocean, but it’s...
[ad_1] In 1837, the British cutter Lambton sailed to Ngatik (now Sapwuahfik), a tiny atoll in Micronesia. On orders from Captain Charles “Bloody” Hart, who hoped...
[ad_1] History tells us that Napoleon Bonaparte’s most upsetting defeat came at Waterloo. But it may have actually occurred eight years earlier, after the French emperor...
[ad_1] As the kids head off to summer camp, many of them will partake in the timeless tradition of trying to get their friends to pee...
[ad_1] Language is so deeply embedded in almost every aspect of the way we interact with the world that it’s hard to imagine what it would...
[ad_1] You go about your day trying to be a good citizen, but you have no idea how many laws you’re probably breaking. Maybe you’re throwing...
[ad_1] On December 30, 2022, pioneering journalist Barbara Walters passed away at the age of 93. Walters, who began her career in 1961 on the Today...
[ad_1] Not all authors’ book dedications are nice. Some—like these—are just plain mean. Charles Bukowski. / Ulf Andersen/GettyImages “This is presented as a work of fiction...
[ad_1] Since the 19th century, we’ve been learning our ABCs through the alphabet song sung to the same tune as “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” But English...
[ad_1] In his movie 2012, Roland Emmerich’s 2009 love letter to the Mayan apocalypse, our heroes barely manage to escape Yellowstone National Park before it explodes beneath them....
[ad_1] In the typical Christmastime narrative of Jesus Christ’s birth, he’s born in a manger and visited by three wise men. They’re sometimes referred to as...
[ad_1] You know it’s a distress signal, but what does “SOS” actually stand for? A lot of people think it’s an abbreviation for “save our souls”...