[ad_1] You know giraffes are tall—the tallest mammals in the world, in fact—but you may not be aware of these 20 other amazing facts about the...
[ad_1] Crossing fingers to achieve your own good luck, or in a display of hopeful solidarity that things go well for someone else, is a widely...
[ad_1] To city dwellers, it might seem that pigeons multiply magically: All the birds swooping down at us, or scurrying out of the way when we...
[ad_1] We’ve used the term rat to refer to an informer since approximately 1910. Stool pigeon, which dates back to the 1840s, is also a popular...
[ad_1] Connecticut’s most popularly used unofficial nickname is the “Nutmeg State.” Yet despite the spiced sobriquet, Connecticut doesn’t actually produce nutmeg. The unusual nickname arose from...
[ad_1] George Takei may be best known for his role as Mr. Sulu on Star Trek. But there’s far more to Takei than helming the USS...
[ad_1] In the days before sophisticated medical equipment could definitely determine when someone had passed from this world to the next, many people feared being buried...
[ad_1] In English, we have a few different ways to write the sound of a kiss: muah, smack, xxx. They get the idea across, but none...
[ad_1] It’s a big world of flora and fauna out there, and scientists need to classify and label it. They’ve come up with a lot of...
[ad_1] Pimentos start out in life as a variety of chili pepper called “cherry peppers.” Small and red (hence the name), they are sweeter than bell...
[ad_1] As the home of some of the greatest works of art produced by humankind, the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City is a popular tourist destination...
[ad_1] For at least 500 years—and maybe more—pigeon fanciers have bred wonderfully bizarre-looking pigeons. Today, there hundreds of breeds and colors, and, just like cats and...
[ad_1] When A Christmas Story was first released in 1983, it was a sleeper that attracted only a small (but quite cultish) following. Over the past...
[ad_1] Pipers piping? Geese-a-laying? Five gooolden rings? And a partridge … in a pear tree? What in the name of yule logs is “The Twelve Days...
[ad_1] When traveling, you might notice some signs on the highway that read “speed limit enforced by aircraft.” Those signs may conjure images of the cops...
[ad_1] Nothing says summer like heading to an amusement park. Whether there are long lines or not, going to one can be a chance to experience...
[ad_1] German is known for its extra-long compound words. When Mark Twain complained that some German words were “so long they have a perspective,” he was...
[ad_1] There was nothing understated about the ’80s, and the scents of the decade—both designer and drugstore—definitely reflected its brashness. Big hair, boxy shoulder pads, and...
[ad_1] When Americans sit down with their families for Thanksgiving dinner, most of them will probably gorge themselves on the same traditional menu, with turkey, cranberry...
[ad_1] Solmization, the practice of assigning syllables to the different “steps” of the musical scale, originated in ancient India. Fast forward a few thousand years to...