[ad_1] In 1665, about a quarter of all Londoners died of the Great Plague—but bubonic plague wasn’t the only deadly disease circulating in the city. A...
[ad_1] One of the most fascinating figures to ever live, Napoleon Bonaparte is the subject of a sweeping new movie starring Joaquin Phoenix and directed by...
[ad_1] Think you know all there is to know about the Boy Who Lived? Think again. Read on for what you need to know about the...
[ad_1] Katsushika Hokusai’s The Great Wave off Kanagawa gracefully distills the power of the ocean into a two-dimensional image that’s as deceptively simple as it is mesmerizing....
[ad_1] The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum was a hit from the start. Published in 1900, the story of Dorothy and her friends...
[ad_1] For much of the world, the mystery of the Venus de Milo lies in its missing arms. But there’s much more to this iconic statue...
[ad_1] When temperatures rise, humans sweat, dogs pant, and cats … don’t move enough to overheat? Well, partially. Cats, who need to maintain an internal body...
[ad_1] The art of Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch is known for fantastic imagery and delicate details. But none is as ambitious as The Garden of Earthly...
[ad_1] French master Paul Cézanne’s works have been credited with bridging the gap between 19th century Impressionism and 20th century Cubism. But his finest accomplishment might...
[ad_1] A yowe-tremmle—literally an “ewe-tremble”—is an old Scottish dialect word for a week of unusually cold or rainy weather beginning in the final few days in...
[ad_1] Even if you’ve read Albert Camus’s slim novel The Stranger (L’ Étranger) repeatedly, there are still a few things you may not know about the...
[ad_1] The rank of five-star general is an honor bestowed upon very few. In fact, you can name them on one hand: George C. Marshall, Douglas...
[ad_1] Pizza has always been an intensely competitive industry: family-run pizza places compete against chains, while local chefs battle each other, trying to out-cook their competitors,...
[ad_1] Not all of Shakespeare’s snappiest phrases and expressions caught on. [ad_2] Paul Anthony Jones Source link
[ad_1] Though native to South America, pineapples (scientific name: Ananas comosus) made their way to the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, and it was here that Christopher...
[ad_1] Few paintings are as iconic as Grant Wood’s American Gothic. The artwork’s staging is so embedded into American culture that even its countless parodies and...
[ad_1] The 102-year-old pregnant corpse. Chris Carter, creator of The X-Files, gave him the premise. It was a challenge, a dare, and he was responsible for...
[ad_1] Mob movie and Sopranos aficionados are likely well aware of organized crime’s common connection to trash collection or construction businesses (most specifically concrete—cement shoes, anyone?)....
[ad_1] He may be the most famous of pharaohs, but Tutankhamun was just a teenager when he died in 1323 BCE after a brief nine-year rule....
[ad_1] People really do not like discussing moisture. A Buzzfeed post called “Why Moist Is The Worst Word Ever” received more than 4 million views; when...