[ad_1] Nearly a decade before he made A Christmas Story, director Bob Clark made another holiday classic of a different color: The story of a sorority...
[ad_1] The tradition of giving misbehaving children lumps of fossil fuel predates the Santa we know, and is also associated with St. Nicholas, Sinterklaas, and Italy’s...
[ad_1] Whether you’re searching for low-tech gifts, in need of a few clever stocking stuffers, or you’re just frugal and proud of it, let our guide...
[ad_1] Before they built the world’s first powered, heavier-than-air, and controllable aircraft, Wilbur and Orville Wright were two ordinary brothers from the Midwest who possessed nothing...
[ad_1] Some of the most frequently used words in the English language must have been created by someone with a devilish sense of humor. The word...
[ad_1] Nog. Tidings. Wassail. Every time Christmas rolls around it brings with it its own vocabulary of words you barely hear the rest of the year....
[ad_1] It’s easy to spot the logophiles in your life: They’re the people who are addicted to word games, have full libraries at home, or who...
[ad_1] In the contiguous United States, the farthest east anyone can travel without tripping into the ocean is the lighthouse at West Quoddy Head, Maine. But...
[ad_1] In Iceland, the most popular Christmas gifts aren’t the latest iProducts or kitchen gadgets—they’re books. Each year, Iceland celebrates what’s known as Jólabókaflóðið: the annual...
[ad_1] The durian is a beloved delicacy in Malaysia, Singapore, and other parts of Southeast Asia. Its taste and smell, however, take some getting used to....
[ad_1] Now that you’ve found the perfect Christmas tree, it’s time for the fun-yet-daunting task of decorating it. If your tree is taller or shorter than...
[ad_1] Fart. Booty. Tinkle. Weiner. We know these words have the ability to make otherwise mature individuals laugh, but how? And why? Is it their connotations...
[ad_1] In January 1920, the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution went into effect, prohibiting the “manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors” and kicking off...
[ad_1] As beautiful as a winter snowfall can be, any real accumulation of the white stuff is certainly not without its irritations—especially if you have to...
[ad_1] Most dogs love a belly rub, a long walk, or any quality time with their humans. But a gift or two is always an extra-special...
[ad_1] Conservationists can’t afford to become complacent. When it comes to rescuing endangered species, progress is an ongoing effort. Still, we can take comfort in the...
[ad_1] Some cat lovers would say that having a feline is gift enough. For others, you may want to consider supplementing with some toys, novelties, and...
[ad_1] Red and green are so synonymous with Christmas that a tree decked out in other shades can feel downright subversive. And it certainly isn’t the...
[ad_1] On December 1, 1989, a new chapter of Griswold family dysfunction was unleashed upon the world when National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation made its debut in...
[ad_1] It’s that time again when we’re busy buying, wrapping, and giving them. Sometimes we call them gifts, sometimes presents. Is there a difference? The words...