[ad_1] Ever wonder which book your parents or grandparents might have been reading when you came bouncing into this world? Wordery, a UK-based online bookshop, has...
[ad_1] Crashed computers, missed flights, tensions in your workplace—a person who subscribes to astrology would tell you to expect all this chaos and more when Mercury...
[ad_1] Before you toss another empty plastic bottle into the recycling bin in your kitchen, you might want to make sure the cap is still attached....
[ad_1] Welcome to Britain, where the food is heavy and the slang is almost completely impenetrable. It should be easy—Britain exported the English language, after all—but...
[ad_1] The scariest parts of most airports are the long security lines and baggage fees. At the Denver International Airport in Colorado, travelers are also confronted...
[ad_1] Being able to perceive a wide spectrum of colors takes more than great eyesight. Your color perception depends on several factors, including your color vocabulary,...
[ad_1] We at Mental Floss are always eager to learn new things and develop new skills. If you resolved to pick up a new hobby or...
[ad_1] William Edward Burghardt Du Bois was born just three years after the end of the Civil War and lived to see the incipient days of...
[ad_1] The Oxford English Dictionary calls itself “the definitive record of the English language, featuring 600,000 words, 3 million quotations, and over 1000 years of English.”...
[ad_1] Despite the fact that these words often find their way onto lists of notoriously unrhymable words, they all do have rhymes in English—just so long...
[ad_1] Black History Month gives us 29 days to honor African Americans and the ever-expanding contributions they make to culture. Literature in particular has been a...
[ad_1] Kids who collected (and resisted ripping the tags off of) Beanie Babies in the 1990s were promised a massive return on their investment when they...
[ad_1] For more than 100 years, March 8 has marked what has come to be known as International Women’s Day in countries around the world. While...
[ad_1] Delayed flights are a bummer. After all, the reason you came to the airport is because you wanted to reach your destination faster. But flight...
[ad_1] The list of Frederick Douglass’s accomplishments is astonishing—respected orator, famous writer, abolitionist, civil rights leader, presidential appointee—and even more so when you consider that he...
[ad_1] Happy Presidents’ Day! Or is it President’s Day? Or Presidents Day? What you call the national holiday depends on where you are, who you’re honoring,...
[ad_1] We know chemistry when we feel it with another person, but we don’t always know why we’re drawn to one person over another. Is it...
[ad_1] Can you imagine life without blood banks, personal computers, or affordable shoes? These innovative creations—and more—wouldn’t exist today if it weren’t for the brilliant minds...
[ad_1] Life should have been good for Miami Vice’s Philip Michael Thomas in 1985. He was the star of one of television’s biggest hits, had released...
[ad_1] Shrimp have developed a reputation as the appetizers of the sea. They’re an ideal finger food, easily dipped into cocktail sauce, and if you eat...