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CASE Once Again Endorses Classworks® Special Education Platform


The Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) has re-endorsed Classworks® for an additional three years. The CASE Executive Committee designated the award-winning platform as a CASE-endorsed product that delivers high-quality assessment and instructional resources to special education teachers and students.

CASE has recognized Classworks as a tool that “successfully addresses the inherent challenges of special education,” since 2010. This month, CASE re-endorsed Classworks as a top-tier special education resource through 2027. Every three years, the platform undergoes a rigorous evaluation by the CASE Executive Committee. As part of the review process, CASE considers the impact on achievement for special education students as well as any new enhancements. In addition to the tremendous impact Classworks has on special education students, two significant product changes were made:

  • Classworks released a new student experience focused on student ownership over their learning and growth
  • Dyslexia and Dyscalculia indicators were added to the screener assessments

These and several other  new Classworks enhancements answer the imminent need in the marketplace for comprehensive, valid and reliable programs that simplify processes for special education teachers, and provide a more engaging and motivating experience for students. 

“Our special education teachers are dedicated to creating high-quality IEPs customized to each student’s areas of need. However, that process can be cumbersome without the right data and tools. Classworks data is easy to understand and gives us exactly what we need to create meaningful goals,” states Katrina Jackson, director of special education, Montgomery Public Schools, Alabama. “Teachers are thrilled that they have reliable data and documentation. Classworks has cut their IEP writing time in half!”

With Classworks, educators have access to assessments to identify present levels of performance and develop ambitious annual goals, progress monitoring to measure and document progress toward goals, and evidence-based, individualized, Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) to help students achieve their IEP goals. Classworks screener and progress monitoring assessments are validated by the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII).  Learn more. 

‍About Classworks

Classworks leverages technology and evidence-based learning practices to transform how school districts support students’ academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs. Our CASE-endorsed, comprehensive Special Education and Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) solution includes academic screeners, math and reading interventions, specially designed instruction, progress monitoring, and powerful data. Classworks Universal Screener and Progress Monitoring Assessments are validated by the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII).

About The Council Of Administrators Of Special Education

The Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) is an international professional educational organization affiliated with the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Members are dedicated to enhancing the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness of each individual in society. The mission of CASE is to provide leadership and support to members by shaping policies and practices that impact the quality of education. For more information, visit

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