Why does the truth matter in storytelling?  Check out what Digest columnist Carolyn Hinsey has to say about what’s happening across the daytime dial.

Some unlikely characters have been telling the truth lately, and I find it BOLDly refreshing.

Who knew B&B’s dressmaker had it in him while Brooke was going on and on about their “destiny”?

Ridge: “Do we have enough to make this work or is this something we do ’cause it’s easy?”

I wouldn’t call their eight previous marriages and divorces “easy” but this is a soap so carry on.

Ridge: “We called this ‘home’ for so long. Maybe that’s just a word some writer came up with because he didn’t know what to do with his characters at the end of the book.”

Brooke and Taylor’s “We Hate Ridge Club” was an interesting chapter, but obviously Ridge and Brooke’s son was brought back to turn the page.

R.J. (to Ridge): “Mom is your destiny.”

There’s that word again … do teenagers talk like that? Whatever, Brooke pushed for a reunion in Italy where so many other B&B couples found amore. She took Ridge to Colle del Gianicolo where a cannon has fired a shot every day at noon since 1847 (except during WWII). Cue her hard sell on, yup, their destiny.

Ridge: “If we have to try so hard to make something work maybe it doesn’t exist anymore. Aren’t you tired of the pain and heartache we keep causing each other?”
Brooke: “This eternal city offers eternal love. I want to be your Logan again. If only I could show you a sign.”
Cannon: Boom!
Brooke: “See? A sign!”

That’s not a sign, it’s a 176 year-old Roman daily tradition.

Elsewhere, Liam knew exactly what he was going to find when he surprised Hope in Italy but he went anyway.

Liam (to Deacon): “I can’t shake this ominous feeling of Hope and Thomas in Rome together.”

Cut to the Forrester plane:

Thomas (to Hope): “I could give you a massage.”

How do you say “yuck” in Italian?

Y&R gave us molto sadness with Sally losing her baby and Cameron returning to stalk Sharon and attach a bomb to her daughter.

Chance (trying to defuse it): “We’re in this together.”
Faith: “If the bomb goes off we both die!”

Nothing gets by her.

Cameron’s crime spree ended with Sharon fatally stabbing the lunatic, prompting Nick to ask how she felt about killing a man.

Sharon: “Honestly? I feel alive. Like I’ve been asleep since Rey died, just pouring coffee and listening to other peoples’ problems.”

Wow — even the writers are telling the truth!

For refreshing candor, look no further than former milquetoast nurse Elena, who found her voice when Nate cheated on her and never looked back.

Elena (running into Nate and Victoria): “Isn’t this cozy?”
Nate: “I hope you’re not planing a scene.”
Elena: “Right. Because it’s my fault things got ugly. [To Victoria] Here you are falling for two users in a row. First Ashland, now his best man.”
Victoria: “I don’t see the similarity.”

Combine Vicky’s ignorance with her willingness to fire her own brother and that girl is heading for a truth bomb.

Speaking of truth bombs, DAYS’s Julie read Stefan a laundry list of Gabi’s crimes thinking he would turn on her.

Stefan: “Actually, I couldn’t be more proud.”
Julie: “For your honeymoon you can both go to hell.”

Less effective is the cartoonish Megan, who peppers her speech with so many double entendres (declaring Stefan’s proposal “burning” after tossing it in the fire) and preposterous pronouncements (“Who knew taking over the world was so labor intensive?”) that she’s not believable. Don’t drink every time a DiMera says “our sister Megan,” “our brother Stefan,” etc. or you’ll be too drunk to enjoy Harris killing Megan and her sudden son.

Kate: “As long as you have Megan blindfolded in an unmarked van you might as well pick up Dimitri.”
Harris: “Making two people disappear could complicate the mission to neutralize the mother.”

Facts. Megan’s scheming sister Kristen (hic!) also was truthful re: her sudden nephew’s plot to marry Gwen for money.

Kristen: “I’d be quite the hypocrite to disapprove of you doing whatever you need to attain your goal.”
Dimitri: “Even if that means deceiving a woman who’s a good friend of yours?”

Have at it. Nothing is richer than Gwen getting mad at Leo for questioning her “Journalistic integrity” when she has zero writing or Journalism training and blackmailed her way into that newspaper.

GH’s Portia found out Curtis kissed Jordan and immediately confronted her husband, which was surprisingly direct for the woman who kept a paternity secret for 20 years.

Curtis: “Jordan made me realize how much I want to give our marriage a second chance.”
Portia (sarcastic): “Let me send her a card and thank her.”
Curtis: “That came out wrong.”

Alexis’s convo with Diane backfired, too.

Diane (re: Robert): “I don’t know if we’re compatible.”
Alexis: “You really like those bad boy clients.”
Diane: “I like the bad boy clients? Cough Jerry Jax cough Julian Jerome.”

Don’t forget Ned Quartermaine, who thinks he’s Eddie Maine thanks to a recent head injury — an accident that brought out the worst in his mother.

Tracy (to Cody): “The minute Ned is better you’re gone, Pony Boy.”
Brook Lynn: “So, that’s my grandmother.”
Cody: “I never had a grandma and after meeting yours I’m damn glad I didn’t.”

Quartermania ensued at the hospital.

Brook Lynn (to Tracy): “Go easy on Olivia. She needs our sympathy, not ‘Snap out of it!’”

Nice Moonstruck reference.

Olivia (re: Ned’s memory loss): “What if this is just like Jason?!”

Even better GH reference. Tracy’s directness was no surprise, but her autistic grandson’s was a bolt from the blue.

Tracy: “What do you know about me?”
Leo: “You’re mean.”

Out of the mouths of babes!

Hey. It’s only my opinion.


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