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Can Xanax Cause Erectile Dysfunction? [Yes]


But erectile dysfunction is not the only side effect reported from taking Xanax. Other reported side effects are: anorgasmia, delayed ejaculation, low libido, and orgasm dysfunction. 

How does this medication cause ED?

We don’t have a precise answer, but it is believed it has to do with how it affects the central nervous system, and how it impacts dopamine production as well as other neurotransmitters.

What are my takeaways from this?

Firstly, that medications typically have one or more side effects. That is one reason why I try to never take any medication unless absolutely necessary.

Secondly (and speaking for myself), if I were taking Xanax, I would with this new information try to get off it.

And thirdly, I would try to find natural solutions to overcome my mental problems.



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