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Can we Namaste through the workday?


In yoga and meditation circles, people greet each other with the word “Namaste.” It’s an expression of appreciation and respect towards another person that translates to “The Light in me recognizes and honors the Light in you.”

I think this is such a beautiful salutation. It’s a gesture of respect and a thank you to the world around us. We honor the individual who is in our presence and pay homage to the Light within us, the universal life force energy that surrounds us, guides us and protects us.

So now I have a question for you…thinking about our work environment, wouldn’t it be inspiring and uplifting to greet our co-workers or employees with Namaste? It would show them:

They are noticed…

They are cared about…

They are seen…

They are heard…

They are depended upon…

They are appreciated…

…For the impact of their work within the organization. 

Such a lovely sentiment and something we often disregard – Giving others the space to be seen and heard, without a performance goal attached. Just honoring people for the Light that shines within them. Honoring them for bringing their Light to work. At times that Light grows dim, however it’s never extinguished. We can fan the Light of others by this one simple act. 

I don’t know about you, but I just might Namaste my way through work tomorrow. What about you? 


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