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Can Someone Lose Motivation When They Heal Their Inner Wounds?


When it comes to whether or not someone is in a good place mentally and emotionally, how motivated they are is often taken into account. Therefore, if someone is highly motivated, they can be seen as being in a good way.

Someone like this can relentlessly move towards their goals, finding it hard to just sit still and to just be. Relaxing and just being could be seen as a complete waste of time; time that they could be using to move forward.

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There could be numerous people in their life who shower them with approval and tell them how much they admire them. Along with these kinds of people, there could be a number of people in their life who are the same.

But, even if they didn’t have many people in their life who give them approval, society as a whole is likely to validate them. For example, there will be adverts and numerous books that support this way of experiencing life.

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Oliver JR Cooper

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