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Cambridge Central holds mascot forum ahead of vote


CAMBRIDGE, N.Y. (NEWS10) -Cambridge Central School District students were once known as the Cambridge Indians. Just like other New York schools, the district had to take down its Native American imagery or lose state funding.

“We’re trying to find a mascot that surely paints the culture in a good light and isn’t debatable,” stated Cambridge Senior and President of National Honor Society, Kateri Murphy.

Cambridge CSD asked students at its mascot forum to keep a few characteristics in mind when choosing a new name and image. The orange and black school colors are here to stay.

“Strength, power, courage, pride, and ferociousness. The top two right now that we have from the students are the tigers and the eagles, which came out of that survey,” explained Cambridge Senior and Class of 2024 President, Deacon Schneider.

Before the forum, the student body was given a survey on what they would like to see symbolized. A majority said they want the mascot to be tied to local history in some way.

“Eagle feathers, they give as gifts as a symbol of wisdom and pride. So that would be a great healing sense to our last mascot,” described Murphy.

Some members of the community and Board of Education expressed that no matter what is chosen as the Cambridge mascot, they are glad the students are involved.

“A symbol can bring that awareness and put on a platform to really educate the kids. A constant reminder of who we are and where we came from,” said Board of Education Member, Dillon Honyoust.

A board workshop is being held on March 7 at the school to review the survey and community comments. The March 14 board meeting will adopt a new mascot.


Anthony Krolikowski

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