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Bright Futures Start at YMCA of Greenville’s Afterschool Program


There’s no question about it, back-to-school season can be a lot for the whole family. Shopping for new school supplies, meeting new teachers, making new friends, and of course, figuring out after-school childcare. Luckily, the YMCA of Greenville is here to help!

Thank you to YMCA of Greenville for sponsoring this article.

YMCA of Greenville’s Afterschool Program is designed to provide your 5th-8th grade child with the perfect post-classroom experience. The unique program focuses on building a healthy spirit, mind and body for all.

Daily Homework Support 

During afterschool, the Y is committed to provide 30-45 minutes per day for kids to start their homework. They ensure your child has an intentional amount of quiet time to focus on school assignments, where staff are available to answer questions and provide support.

YMCA of Greenville 2023

The YMCA will also incorporate “brain breaks” throughout the afternoon to allow students time for other activities and socialization.

Daily Active Play

Each day the kids will have a little play time to burn off some energy before they hit the books. Kids will participate in at least 30 minutes of moderate to rigorous physical activity. This could be kickball or soccer, jump rope and hopscotch, or tag games and fitness challenges. The options are endless! Additionally, a healthy snack is provided to your child each day. 

After School Enrichment

Your child will receive one 45-minute academic enrichment program weekly to enhance the overall exposure to a balanced curriculum. This includes nutrition and wellness, 21st Century skills, college and career exploration, leadership development, service learning, arts and crafts, and global learning.

YMCA of Greenville 2023

All kids have potential and should have the opportunity to discover who they are, to express themselves, and to be nurtured to believe anything is possible. The YMCA of Greenville works to improve educational readiness, engagement, and outcomes of children so they can pursue their best possible future.

Daily Devotions and Values-Based Programs

What makes the YMCA of Greenville afterschool care experience unique is the commitment to promote Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, and Faith in all that they do. This is done through small group discussions, academic enrichment, and positive reinforcement of behaviors by great staff role models.

YMCA of Greenville 2023

Joining the Perfect Afterschool Experience

Afterschool care is available from 2:15 pm – 6:00 pm and is offered at:

  • Caine Halter Family YMCA
  • Eastside Family YMCA
  • George I. Theisen Family YMCA
  • YMCA Judson Community Center

The weekly cost is $65 for members and $95 for non-members.  Visit for more information and register your child today for the perfect afterschool experience! 


Kidding Around Team

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