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Brian had no Valentine Cards this year


Although it is expected, Brian Asshat did not receive any valentine’s cards this year.

Although the bachelor always keeps the postman busy and sends up to 25 of them a year, he is yet to receive one.

‘It is a bit weird’ said Tracy Brassingthwaite, pub landlady of the Wet Sprocket in Mithering on the Trent ‘I received a Valentine’s Card this morning, which brightened my day, but then Gladys came in and she said she had had one as well. Inside was written, on both of them:

Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
if no one else wants me,
you’ll have to do’.

I thought it was a bit creepy until I remembered that Brian sends a lot’.

‘All I want is to be loved’ wrote Brian, later on his blog, which is only followed by Snotty Bob and Thomas Johnson, who this year received a valentine’s card from Sarah Fitzmaurice, and now he won’t stop banging on about it, will he?


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