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Bragg Creek Chamber of Commerce Receives Federal Shop Local and Travel Alberta Partnership Marketing Funds


Press Release

updated: Jul 28, 2021

The Bragg Creek Chamber of Commerce/Visit Bragg Creek will receive $35,280.00 of federal shop local funding—funding that will expand the chamber’s ongoing efforts to encourage patronage of community businesses.

This funding is in addition to another Partnership Marketing grant that Visit Bragg Creek has received from Travel Alberta to promote tourism operators and activities within the Bragg Creek, Kananaskis, and Rocky View County areas.

“We are beyond thrilled to have this opportunity to further support the amazing business community that makes up Bragg Creek. This money will be used to showcase the diversity and resilience of Bragg Creek businesses through a concentrated video marketing campaign”, says Lauren Shea, Marketing Manager of Visit Bragg Creek. “We would not be able to accomplish this goal without the ongoing and generous support of the federal government and Alberta Chambers.”

The funding will support a ‘Local Stories’ video project followed by a ‘Love Local’ campaign that will support small businesses and increase access to high-quality marketing materials for self-promotion.

“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, community chambers have truly been a lifeline for businesses,” says Ken Kobly, Alberta Chambers of Commerce President and CEO. “As we transition to reopening and recovery, we still have a long road ahead to rebuild our economy. This federal funding will help chambers do what we do best: support local job creators.”

A third round of funding applications is currently being processed.

Source: Bragg Creek Chamber of Commerce


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