Vito, a happily spoiled Boxer, was his family’s only child. He was rewarded when the ice cream truck came to his neighborhood, even though his mom says he’s a bit of a rambunctious troublemaker. The intuitive dog discovered his mom, Gianna, was pregnant all on his own. He would lay on her stomach, anticipating his new human sibling.


Naturally, the couple was concerned about how Vito may take to the baby since Vito was used to being on his own. When Gianna and her husband brought baby Luca home, Vito checked him out, unsure if this tiny human would stick around. The Boxer soon learned that he had to calm his mischievous ways. He quickly became Luca’s best friend and stuck to him like glue everywhere he went. Their bond is too sweet for words!


As Vito’s mom perfectly worded it, “He took his role as a brother very seriously.” Luca was soon crawling, and Vito brought toys to him. He would stand by the baby patiently and wait for Luca to crawl over. The cutest thing happened when it was time for Luca to take his first steps! We won’t spoil it for you. Watch these two in action in the video below!

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Julie Hunt

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