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Bowers & Wilkins Px7 S2 Headphone Review: Revolutionary, Quality Audio Exactly How Artists Intended –


Bowers & Wilkins’ Px7 S2 wireless headphones are only a few months old, but they sound like they’ve been out for years, having gone through numerous iterations and updates to strive for quality. High-quality sound, an affordable price and plug-and-play ease make these headphones a strong contender amongst its competitors. A quick listen with these headphones will undoubtedly sell you at its HiFi price of $399.

In addition to the plethora of features the PX7 S2 headphones arrive with, they feature a few physical buttons on them so users can toggle their mobile device’s voice assistant, turn the headphones on and off, adjust the volume, toggle between the noise cancellation modes, and enable Bluetooth.


Lennon Cihak

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