Tony Bennett has passed away at the age of 96. [Variety]
Bethenny Frankel thinks reality-show people should go on strike too, because they’re also getting screwed over in residuals. I mean… she’s actually right? [Starcasm]
The Marvels trailer is here and Zawe Ashton is introduced as the villain. [Just Jared]
Review of Justified: City Primeval. [LaineyGossip]
Hype for the Women’s World Cup. [Pajiba]
Jodie Turner Smith is on the picket line. [Go Fug Yourself]
Kevin Smith is the most famous person at Comic Con. [Seriously OMG]
Matt Gaetz’s wife cries about Ken’s “low T.” [Jezebel]
We haven’t heard anything about Nicola Peltz in a few months, huh. [Egotastic]
“Boy Dinner” is also a thing. [Buzzfeed]
LGBTQ youths of color feel most comfortable on TikTok. [Towleroad]
The Belgian royal family celebrated a national holiday. [RCFA]


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