Thursday, 15 December 2022

Contracts have been signed! Hollywood eats its own! Agree to do it or you’ll never work in this town again!

Pete Davidson now has to fuck and/or date for a couple weeks EVERY ACTRESS in Hollywood. A-list first, then he will move onto B and then C and then whomever’s left over, and if Pete is still able to walk.

Meryl Streep has voiced her discontent and Helen Mirren has stated that she is not American and therefore she won’t go anywhere near “The Big Pete”, as he now calls himself (taking a note from the Book of Kanye).

Of course, this being Hollywood, each date with The Big Pete will be televised and turned into a reality show, with Pete giving out cock rings to only those Hollywood Ho’s he liked to fuck the best.

What will the show be called? Can’t you guess?

“Big Pete and the Hollywood Hos”.

And of course, for Christmas sweep’s week, it will be the Hollywood Ho-Ho-Hos! Classic Hollywood crap!

Catch the fever, ladies! Then please consult your doctor.

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