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Betsy Ross Melania Sews Uniforms for the Future American Reich


Thursday, 15 December 2022

Now that Melani is no longer a First Lady, or First anything, what does she do with all her time?

Donny has given his wife a task: Design new uniforms for all American cops and members of the military.

He has taken some pictures from World War II of a certain military’s uniforms, and said, “Yeah, like that! Where are those generals? Where are those uniforms? Death in every stitch!”

Donald Trump is immune to time. He doesn’t know if it’s 2022 or 1942, nor whether he’s in America or Germany. Not to worry, old Germany can become new America – or Trumperica.

Black leather jackboots, death’s head insignia, a funny looking “cross”, and some kind of eagle that looks like it’ll pluck out yer eyes if you don’t apologize to Donny for calling him every name in the book. And of course a straight-arm salute with every uniform. Do it or die!

Once the uniforms are done, Melania’s next task is to design a new American flag. No more of that stars and stripes shit – especially if some states refuse to elect Donald as their god – but a simpler flag of a jackboot stepping on a human being’s neck.

As Orwell predicted – Donald Trump – and his Betsy Ross Melania – will make come true!


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