In a world that glorifies perfectionism and relentlessly chases happiness, Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani‘s Becoming Flawesome: The Key to Living an Imperfectly Authentic Life serves as a gentle (and much-needed) reality check.

Hitting bookshelves in June 2023, Kristina covers all the things you’d ever need in a book about self-discovery. 

What’s the meaning of authenticity beyond the buzzword? Check. 

Dispelling the myths of personal growth? Check. 

Why do we so often feel like imposters? Check. 

What’s the big deal with self-care and self-love? Check

Analogies and metaphors that include dragons and Harry Potter’s Hermione Granger? Check and check.

There’s something about how Kristina artfully intertwines her personal experiences and observations—there’s compassion and wit, making every angle incredibly relatable. And all the while, she gently and gracefully guides you toward embracing your gloriously imperfect self. 

“Flawesome” Is the New Perfect

Becoming Flawesome: The Key to Living an Imperfectly Authentic Life is essentially an instruction manual on becoming “flawesome”—a mash-up of the words “flawed” and “awesome.” It’s the perfect (pun intended) reminder that the utopian version of ourselves is merely an illusion. 

In fact, one of the key takeaways from the book is that perfection can actually hinder our self-evolution. 

So when we find ourselves unable to hit the benchmark of those societal-imposed standards, know there’s another (and better) way. It takes a little being honest with ourselves, but when we are, we may just see that our “flawesomeness” is an opportunity for growth and improvement.

But here’s the thing, though: the path to becoming flawesome (as with anything that’s worthy of our growth) isn’t without putting in the effort. 

I believe that happiness is of the greatest importance,” she writes in the book. “But not only this—I believe that happiness must be actively trained as a skill.”

What You Can Expect

So how do we take off those rose-tinted glasses and see ourselves for who we really are? That’s where Kristina puts major emphasis on a number of points:

  • How to let go of perfectionism. She encourages us to let go of the incessant need for validation and instead focus on our inner worth with self-compassion.
  • The importance of authenticity. We all wear masks of who we think others should see us as—the perfect parent, employee, partner, etc. Taking it off can be scary, but that’s when our true self shines.
  • How to overcome fear and self-doubt. Going for that “perfectionism” medal often comes with doubts and fear. The two may be best friends, but you shouldn’t want to be a part of that duo.
  • The intricacies of self-care and self-love. Kristina sheds light on the complexities and distinctions between the two, inviting you to dive deeper into these concepts and their roles in living an imperfectly authentic life.
  • The art of living in imperfection. It’s about not comparing ourselves to others. It’s about celebrating who we truly are.

Throughout the book, Kristina paints a vivid picture of her own struggles—relatable and inspiring. And she provides practical advice on how to be authentic, based on her own experiences.

Don’t be fooled, though: it’s not just 280 pages of how she learned to accept and love herself, flaws and all. That’s not the Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani way. No, no—rest assured that she’s got a bunch of science to back up this concept of “becoming flawesome.”

Bonus, the book is littered with personal stories, from her upbringing in the USSR (that’s communist Russia, for those of you who aren’t old enough to remember) to anecdotes about her son, Hayden, to lines that make for perfectly imperfect quotes

About Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani

Not only is Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani the genius behind Becoming Flawesome: The Key to Living an Imperfectly Authentic Life, but she’s the quintessence of a jack-of-all-trades. She’s the co-founder of Mindvalley, an entrepreneur, a speaker, a philanthropist, a mother, and now an author.

Kristina’s from Estonia, born and raised. And that’s where she started her career—from the government to organizations like the United Nations, Oxfam, and AIESEC. In 2003, she co-founded Mindvalley, a global school that teaches transformational education for all ages. And if that wasn’t enough, she also launched Mindvalley Russian in 2009, bringing the best authors and teachings to the Russian-speaking market.

But Kristina doesn’t stop there. She’s also the trainer of Mindvalley’s From Awesome to Flawesome Quest, a 30-day program designed to help people embrace their authentic selves. So it goes without saying that she’s got a heck of a lot of wisdom to share—and she’s not afraid to do it.

The Word on the Street

Becoming Flawesome: The Key to Living an Imperfectly Authentic Life is more than likely set to be the guide to being authentic and living their best life. It’s even been said that it’s “10 years’ worth of therapy in one book.”

Don’t just take it at face value—see what others have to say:

“Kristina Mänd-Lakhani takes us on an inward journey toward authenticity. You can learn to experience who you really are and how to accept that genuine person.”
Princess Rym Ali, president of the Anna Lindh Foundation

“Becoming Flawesome is full of timely wisdom for those who want to live their perfect imperfect life.”
Jim Kwik, New York Times bestselling author of Limitless

“Becoming Flawesome is a roadmap to deep self-awareness, radical self-acceptance and genuine self-love. An inspiring read for any individual prepared to embark on a journey towards their truest selves.”
Dr. Shefali, clinical psychologist and New York Times bestselling author of The Conscious Parent

“Becoming Flawesome is a brilliant gift for anyone who has ever doubted their strength and power to create a life that is unapologetically their own. Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani inspires the courage and conviction we need to live lives of deep integrity, joy, and truth.”
Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times bestselling author of Calling in “The One” and Conscious Uncoupling

“Becoming Flawesome is a refreshingly honest, insightful, and liberating book… one which gently walks you back to the safety, sanity, and lasting success of your heart.”
Sonia Choquette, New York Times bestselling author of The Answer is Simple: Love Yourself, Live your Spirit!

“Beautifully written and authentically delivered by Kristina, it’s a must-read for anyone working on improving their self-worth.”
Marisa Peer, a leading therapist and bestselling author of Tell Yourself a Better Lie

“You won’t be able to put this book down. It’s a must-read for anyone looking to experience the freedom of living authentically and flawesomely. It will change your life.”
Florencia Andrés, mindset coach of high performers, bestselling author, winner of the “Golden Book Award”

“Kristina’s wisdom will guide you through a journey of self-discovery and freedom.”
Shelly Lefkoe, co-founder of the Lefkoe Institute

Your Flaws are Awesome

No more trying too hard to be perfect. No more comparing yourself to others. It’s time to break free from those limitations and step into your own power. 

Becoming Flawesome: The Key to Living an Imperfectly Authentic Life is packed with valuable insights, practical tips, and inspiring stories to help you fully accept and love yourself. 

And Kristina, herself, is living proof of how authenticity can be life-affirming. Whether it’s starting her own business, indulging in her passions, embracing her femininity (virtuous and wicked), singing her kids to sleep, or immersing herself in classical literature, she’s doing it unapologetically and with her whole heart.

But that’s the way of Kristina Mänd-Lakhani. So she encourages you to find yours.

As she says in her book, “Authenticity will become your trusty passport on the path back to yourself.”

So take this as a visa for you to embrace the colors of your rainbow and bask in the glory of your flawesomeness.

Tatiana Azman

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