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Basic online dating tips for absolute beginners — mysinglefriend blog


According to recent research, over half of all couples will meet online by 2035. This means that if you want to meet that special someone, getting online is really going to boost your chances. Whether you’ve just come out of a long relationship or simply haven’t got round to trying it yet, dipping your toe into the online dating pool can feel a bit scary at first. However, if you bear in mind that everyone was a beginner once, and follow our handy tips, you’ll soon be using like an absolute expert. 

Commit to putting some time and effort in

Though it does sometimes happen, it’s unlikely that you’ll meet the boy or girl of your dreams on your first date. It takes time to fill out your profile, choose pictures and chat with others, and then it takes more time to meet up with people and figure out which ones you want to see again. However, the more time you put in, the more benefit you’ll get out, so don’t be afraid to roll up your sleeves and get to it.

Get a wingman on board

Mysinglefriend is all about getting your mates involved, and we guarantee that having a cheerleader will make the experience much more fun. Get them to write your profile (or check what you’ve written and make sure you’re not selling yourself short). help you choose some pictures and then search through the site for potential hotties.

Post plenty of good pictures

Research has shown that we tend to be bad at choosing pictures that show us off in our best light. Whilst you may think that super pouty selfie makes you look all seductive and mysterious, your mate will probably think that you look a bit grumpy and not demonstrating your sparkling personality. Listen to their advice and post a selection of pictures that show the real you.

Cast your net widely

If you get bogged down in the details of trying to find exactly who you think you’re looking for (e.g brown hair, over 6 foot, green eyes, is fanatical about Emmerdale), you’re going to narrow down your options instantly. Being open minded about meeting all sorts of different people gives you much more opportunity to meet someone lovely, even if they don’t fit your tick list. In fact, we recommend chucking away your tick list: we know couples who would never had met if they had stuck so rigidly to their imagined perfect date! 

Don’t be shy about meeting up in real life

Thought the idea of meeting up with a stranger in real life can feel intimidating, it’s important to remember that it’s the whole reason you’ve started online dating in the first place! Once you’ve had a bit of a chat online, suggest meeting up IRL so you can see if you really click when you aren’t both hidden behind a keyboard. The first time you meet someone will be nerve wracking, but, like everything in life, the more you do it, the easier it will get.

Relax and enjoy!

The most important thing to remember is that online dating should be fun! It sometimes requires a thick skin, as not every date will be perfect, but as soon as you learn to chalk those up to experience (and enjoy telling it as a funny anecdote), you’ll have no problems. See it as a fun hobby, rather than a stressful chore, and you’ll soon be having a ball!

Looking for a delightful date? Join mysinglefriend now!


Karen Dickinson

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