Badge Abusin’ Becky: White Alabama Cop Uses Stun Gun On Handcuffed Black Man ‘Shut Yo B***h A** Up!’
Wonder why they call you “pig“? Here’s why.
An Alabama cop, a white woman, is the main character in today’s ACAB agenda after millions of people have viewed yet another viral video showing a Black body being abused by a state-sanctioned gang. According to NBCNews, the officer in question works for the Reform Police Department and although the article doesn’t call her by name, Twitter (we’re never calling it ‘X’) has done its thing and outed her identity as Dana Elmore. You can see her name on the “life-saving” award that she won back in 2021 in the photo below.
Elmore is social media enemy #1 for the way she used her stun gun, cursed at, and belittled a Black man who was handcuffed, fully compliant, and not posing the slightest appearance of a threat.
The video below may be triggering. Please consider your mental health before pressing play.
You hear the excitement in her voice when she removes the man’s firearm from his pants? It was like she got all the green light she needed to subject this man to physical abuse for exercising his Second Amendment rights DESPITE the fact that he was fully incapacitated at that point. Moreover, in the words of the honorable Queen Latifah, “Who you callin’ a a b!tch?!?” If the man has committed some crime, take him to jail and the justice do what it does but who the hell does this uniformed jar of spoiled chitlins think she is??
In response to the attention being drawn to the video, here’s what the department brass had to say:
In a brief statement, police Chief Richard Black and Reform Mayor Melody Davis said they were aware of the video, and the department is “in the process of turning over all materials related to this arrest to the Alabama State Bureau of Investigation.”
“In accordance with City Policy, the officer involved has been placed on administrative leave while the investigation is conducted,” the statement said.
Put this broad in jail, in general population, for at least one year. We’re sure she’ll get the attitude adjustment that she so richly deserves…
Jason "Jah" Lee
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