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Baby Scratching Face – Reasons And Tips To Prevent It


Is your baby scratching face? Maybe you’ve fantasized about your newborn child’s appearance. Your ultrasound pictures were probably displayed to anyone who would look at them for long enough. If you’re expecting a child, you and your partner may have discussed whose features the kid would inherit.

Moreover, there was something undeniably adorable about your newborn baby’s face. It’s the kind of thing that would keep your attention for a long time.

Now, after all that, it can be upsetting to see scratch marks all over your baby’s face. What’s the deal with them intentionally scratching themselves, and how can you stop it and treat the wounds if they do get any? You need not worry; we shall elucidate all


Why Does Baby Scratch Their Face?

Baby scratches their face for a variety of reasons. Among the most typical are:

Involuntary Actions

When they are born, babies don’t have complete command of their bodies. Many of their actions are instead governed by reflexes. A typical reflex seen in newborns is the involuntary startle response known as the Moro reflex.

This reflex causes infants to arch their backs, stretch their arms and legs, and then curl back up again when they are startled by something, such as a loud noise, a sudden movement, or just life in general. Their hands may reflexively reach for their face, causing them to nick or scratch themselves.

That’s bad, right? Have no fear, this won’t last forever! Around the 3-6 month mark, you may find that your baby no longer displays the Moro reflex. When your baby’s movements become steadier and less jerky, that’s when you’ll know the reflex is fading.

In addition, providing your baby with daily opportunities to stretch their limbs can help them develop this skill. Muscle development is key, and this will help them get there!


Irritation, Or Itching, Of The Skin


Your baby’s skin may become dry as he or she adjusts to life outside the womb. Rough spots, baby acne, or peeling are possible. This behavior is completely typical. Usually, the situation resolves itself without much of a fuss. However, in the short term, it might cause some scratches.

But if your baby has unusually sensitive skin or develops a skin condition like eczema, you may find that their skin is more irritated and ends up easily scratched. Most likely, you’ll want to consult with their doctor about possible treatments after identifying the triggers.


Nip like a Baby

Fetal development nails

Even though baby nails are small, they pack a powerful punch. They mature rapidly into long, sharp points that can be used as talons. Since infants tend to put their hands near their faces (ah, reflexes! ), it’s important to keep their nails trimmed short to prevent them from scratching themselves or others.

Moreover, because baby nails regrow so rapidly, it’s easy to forget about them, which can result in additional scratches.


How To Stop Baby-Scratching Face

You should figure out why your kid keeps scratching his or her face and try one of these options.


Treat them to a Manicure

Fetal development nails

If dangerously sharp nails are a problem, trimming them back will make them less dangerous. Nail trimming is best done when the baby is asleep or nursing. 

Keep your own cool; it may take more than one try to reach all the little toes and fingers. It may be easier to use a nail file on your baby’s nails than to attempt cutting them. To some, this method of nail care is preferable to having their nails clipped off abruptly because it feels more gentle as the nail is gradually worn down.

Filing greatly lessens the possibility that you will nip your baby by accident, but it can take a little longer, so you’ll need to be prepared to keep your child entertained and calm for a longer time.


Make use of Swaddling and Mittens


If your baby is scratching because of jerky, random movements toward their face, try putting mittens on their hands. Baby socks can also serve this purpose, though tiny baby mittens are available for the job.

Swaddling is another method of preventing babies from rolling over by keeping their arms pinned to their sides.

Does that seem easy enough? Wrapping up a wriggly baby can be challenging for any parent, but it can be especially trying if you have a baby Houdini on your hands. A variety of swaddles are available, and our instructional video will show you how to use them properly, so your baby’s face won’t get scratched.


Home Remedies if the skin is itchy or irritated

Baby love

If your baby is scratching because of dry or itchy skin, try using a baby lotion or an anti-itch cream.

Please see your child’s pediatrician if over-the-counter treatments for your infant’s skin condition have not been successful. You can get guidance from them on the most secure choices and when it’s best to implement them.


What to do if your baby scratches their face?

wash hands

A baby’s face should be washed gently but thoroughly if scratches are discovered there. Use a moisturizer or antiseptic cream on the area after you’ve dried it with a towel.

Keeping wounds moist is recommended by many medical professionals. Scratched skin can be protected from infection and kept moist with the help of products like Vaseline, Aquaphor, or bacitracin.

A small Band-Aid may be required, depending on the size and depth of the scratch, but this is uncommon. If a bandage is being used, it should be checked frequently and discarded if it becomes loose or soiled.

It is important to treat the underlying cause of the scratch in addition to the visible one. This could involve applying a dry skin treatment or simply covering the baby’s hands and nails.

Scratches on a baby’s face can be upsetting to see, but they almost never result in scarring or permanent damage. Most scratches on infants’ skin are superficial and heal quickly.

More serious scratches, however, require close monitoring to prevent further damage and infection by ensuring they do not become too deep or repeatedly reopened.


Final Thoughts On Baby Scratching Face

Mom and Baby Kissing

Your baby is the most exquisite thing in the world. Though a few scrapes won’t change your mind, you don’t want your child to get hurt or develop an infection.

Babies often scratch their faces, and this is perfectly normal. What you can do, however, is start early on with preventative measures. Baby soft mittens should be used immediately if you haven’t already. 

A crib eliminates the need for you to keep vigil over your sleeping infant to prevent him from putting any part of his body near his face. There will be times when your child scratches his face, but you can prevent him from doing so. If you notice any cuts or scrapes on his face, it’s best to talk to his pediatrician about how to best care for him.

Also Read:  11-Week-Old Baby Development And Milestones

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Prattay Mazumdar

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