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Baby, It’s Cold Outside! 24 Date-Night Outfits You Can Actually Wear in Winter


It’s time, to be honest… the whole idea that this is the most “wonderful time of the year” is a bit overhyped. Don’t get us wrong, some things are wonderful about the holiday season, but once you get past all of the festivities, you realize that it’s a bit dark (literally and figuratively). After all, the weather outside? It’s frightful. Our collective holiday cheer? It’s likely left the building. The desire to get all dressed up? It’s likely to dissipate after the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve. Basically, the wintertime can be challenging, even for those who love this time of year. 

It’s only natural then that we’d have to find ways to cultivate tiny pockets of joy—enter date night into the chat. As silly as it might seem, having something to look forward to in these colder months is a saving grace, even if said thing is as simple as a night out. With colder temperatures, it’s so easy to fall into a rut where you only binge-watch shows on Netflix (no shade), but we implore you to plan a date night! There’s no better way to beat your winter blues back than by slipping into a stylish outfit to spend the evening with your special someone.

But if you find the prospect of choosing what to wear for a date in the winter debilitating, don’t fret. Ahead, we’re sharing 24 winter date night outfit ideas from fashion people that will make putting together an elegant look effortlessly. Whether you’re dipping your toes back into the dating pool or need an excuse to get your partner off the couch, these looks will motivate you to get back out there despite the cold temperatures. 


Jasmine Fox-Suliaman

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