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Australia – FOI Request Reveals What The TGA (Theraputic Goods Administration) Says When They Don’t Like Your Advertising | Cannabis Law Report


Aus cannabis consultant Rhys Cohen just posted this and following document to Linked in, obtained under FOI….

For the likes of me and I suggest anybody wanting to do cannabis business in Australia it isn’t just interesting, it is required reading


Rhys writes

For anyone interested in medicinal cannabis advertising compliance, check this out – an FOI release from the TGA that includes detailed correspondence, including many specific examples of alleged non-compliance, across multiple companies that have received fines or engaged with the TGA and were not fined (eg. Naturally Elevated).

Very enlightening information which demonstrates how the TGA engages with companies alleged to be non-compliant, the material they focus on, and where TGA draws the line.

Really puts the ongoing federal court case against Montu into stark relief…


FOI 4901 Documents


Sean Hocking

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