Jun 27, 2023

In the US, 4th of July has the second highest number of reported lost pets.  Keep your furry family safe this year by:

  1. Keeping all pets inside.
  2. Reducing stress by running music or white noise.
  3. Keeping their collars on with updated ID tags.
  4. Updating their info on their microchip at found.org.

If you come across a lost pet, there are simple steps you can take BEFORE going to a shelter. We know you’re trying to do the right thing when you bring them to a shelter. But this year more than others, shelters across the country are extremely full. You could make a huge difference by helping this pet find its home without taking attention away from other shelter pets.  Instead try these few steps:

  1. POST THEM: Snap photos and on Austin Lost and Found Pets on FB, Nextdoor and the Neighbor app.
  2. WALK THEM: Walk the pet around the area you found them to see if you run into someone looking for a lost pet.
  3. CHECK THE CHIP: Go to a vet or pet supply store to see if they can check the microchip.
  4. REPORT THEM MISSING: File a found pet report on the Austin 3-1-1 app!

Many lost pets are not far from home. With your help, families can enjoy July 4th with their furry friends by their side!

Don’t have pets but still want to help? Visit our donate page to make a gift that helps keep all of our shelter pets safe this 4th of July.

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