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Astrological Do’s & Don’ts To Ensure A Happy New Year’s Eve


This NYE is going to be a mixed bag of retrograde planets, the moon in Taurus, and Venus and Pluto both in Capricorn. And what does that actually mean, you ask?

For one thing, Mercury and Mars both in retrograde could throw us off our usual game. As the twins explain, not only can goals or plans get delayed or reconfigured, but interactions could easily become heated and divisive.

Not exactly optimal energy for hosting (or attending) a New Year’s Eve party—or setting resolutions for that matter. As the twins note, “Save your 2023 resolutions to ‘draft,’ because you might edit them quite a few times over.”

Luckily, however, the moon in Taurus will provide us with some much-needed grounding and stability. And with Venus, the planet of luxury and pleasure, and Pluto, the planet of transformation, both in solid Capricorn, things could also feel a bit, shall we say, sultry.

Here are a handful of astrological do’s and don’ts to mind all these planetary placements—and get 2023 started on the right foot, from the twins.


Sarah Regan

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