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Ask Amy: Daughter with bad news won’t be Debbie Downer


Dear Amy: My father is on the far side of a debilitating and eventually terminal neurological disorder. He’s not able to dress himself anymore, his language is mostly gone, and it’s generally sad and depressing all around. My mother is his full-time caregiver, and my siblings and I all live in different states.

I am often asked by friends, extended family, coworkers etc., “How’s your dad doing?” or, “How are your parents?,” especially after I return from a visit home.

After years of trying to spin things more positively than truthfully, I’ve been defaulting lately to, “Not good” or “He’s worse; he’ll never be better.”

These responses typically make people grimace or apologize. I certainly don’t intend to bring on this response.

My question to you: Is there a better way to answer this question honestly without being a real Debbie Downer?

The people asking already know about his condition, so they aren’t expecting sunshine and rainbows, but I know that just because I’ve fully accepted how bad things are doesn’t mean other people want an honest answer from me.

Follow up question: When people apologize regarding his condition, how am I supposed to respond?

I usually shrug and say that I’m at peace with the situation, but again, this seems needlessly awkward and often makes me feel (and probably appear) callous.

— Depressing (but not depressed!) Daughter

Dear Daughter: I’m so sorry you are going through this.

Do you perceive that statement as an apology? Because it is not. In this context, “I’m sorry” is an expression of commiseration and empathy. Your friends are saying “I’m sorry this is happening.” Because they are.


Amy Dickinson

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