Army vet Michael Joy had his heart broken when all three of his dogs ran away while on a road trip. His two other dogs returned, but Sam, a Lab mix, was still missing. Joy, however, never gave up looking for his beloved pooch.


Joy drove around looking for Sam. He also searched every nearby shelter in person and their posts online. When Joy relocated from Georgia to Kentucky, he continued looking for Sam. But his search was in vain, that is, until nearly five years later!

Joy received a call. An animal shelter claimed they had Sam. Joy was in disbelief. How was it possible that after all this time, Sam showed up? Joy wasn’t convinced that was his dog until the shelter volunteer described him. Joy then instantly asked where they were located and can he pick him up that same day.


Thankfully, the animal shelter scanned Sam for a microchip and contacted Joy immediately. And that’s how this happy ending came to be! We are so happy for Sam and his dad!

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Julie Hunt

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