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Arizona Garden in October
Low Desert Arizona Garden in October
What grows in low desert Arizona gardens in October? I’ll show you. All of these pictures come from my garden in Mesa, Arizona.
Low desert includes elevations below 3500 ft in the Southwest, such as the Phoenix and Tucson metro areas.

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
— L.M. Montgomery
Living in the low desert of Arizona year-round means intense dry heat in June and July. This is followed by more heat, windstorms, and monsoons in August and September. At the end of the summer, you are ready for the cooler mornings and pleasant (albeit a little warm) days of October.

Certainly, October in the Arizona garden is a busy time. Fortunately, the cooler temperatures are a welcome relief and it’s a pleasure to be outside after the heat of the summer.

Keep reading for garden inspiration, an October garden checklist, and a list of what vegetables, herbs, and flowers to plant in your Arizona garden in October.

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Vegetables growing in the low desert Arizona garden in October

October in the Arizona garden is harvest time for peppers. If you gave them a light prune in September, you can expect new growth and healthy peppers to harvest.

September or early October in Arizona is one of the best times to plant potatoes (not sweet potatoes). Try planting them in grow bags if you are short on space. Read this article to learn how to grow potatoes in containers.

Peas are a family favorite straight from the garden. Plant peas this month and continue to plant them through February. Peas planted in October or earlier in September will mature more quickly than those planted later in the year (the cooler temps will slow them down a bit).

October is the best time to plant garlic in Arizona. Be sure to check out this post for tips on growing garlic in Arizona.

Cucumelons, also called Mexican Gherkins or mouse melons, that were planted earlier in the summer are finally beginning to take off in the cooler temperatures of October in Arizona.

It’s finally (hopefully) cool enough to plant all the winter greens we’ve been craving all summer. Pay attention to the temperatures, and don’t plant them too soon, or they will bolt. Plant several varieties in your garden.

Malabar spinach is flowering and producing seeds. This green is a star of the summer garden. If you don’t want volunteers popping up in your garden for years to come, pull the spinach before the seeds drop.

Flowers growing in the low desert Arizona garden in October

Petunia season has begun. Refresh and replace old potting soil and plant your favorite cool-loving annuals this month.

Butterfly bush is in bloom in October gardens in Arizona. Keep an eye out, and you will spot butterflies on one of their favorite flowers.

October in Arizona is the perfect time to plant wildflowers. Spread seeds in the rocky areas of your yard. The wildflower seeds will germinate with October’s cooler temperatures and rain. Wildflowers provide color and visual interest in your yard until temperatures heat up in the spring. Let seeds drop if you want the wildflowers to come back each year.

Fruit trees in the low desert Arizona garden in October

Pomegranates are ripening. I will probably wait until November to harvest them, but check yours by picking one and seeing if the berries are a deep red for most varieties. Read this article to learn how to grow pomegranates.

Peach trees and other deciduous fruit trees‘ leaves are beginning to change color in preparation for losing their leaves. Be sure to clean up around trees, and remove any fallen fruit to prevent pests from overwintering near your trees. Consider planting garlic in your tree wells to deter pests as well.
Read this article for more information about how to grow peach trees.

The citrus in your yard should be looking happy this month. If you didn’t fertilize your trees last month, do it at the beginning of the month. Hopefully, you are seeing new growth being pushed out and lots of fruit ripening on the trees. If your tree is not looking good, evaluate what went wrong this summer. It’s important to ensure you have the right tree in the right spot with the correct watering in your yard.

Herbs in the low desert Arizona garden in October

Harvest basil regularly to ensure a continuous supply. If you want to save seeds, hold off on harvesting and allow basil to flower this month and form seeds. This article shares how to grow basil.

Sweet bay leaf is putting on new growth. Harvest the largest, oldest leaves for the best flavor.

If you gave your leggy sage a trim in September, it should fill in with lush new growth this month. If it doesn’t survive the summer, October is a great month to plant sage. Read this article to learn how to grow sage.
Low desert Arizona garden in October to-do list:

- Plant trees in October in Arizona. Young trees transplant best.
- Adjust watering of established trees to about once every 7 to 21 days. For more guidelines on watering, see Water Use It Wisely.
- Plant shrubs and flowering perennials in October in Arizona.
- Prune established flowering perennials back by about a third. Water well after pruning.
- October is the ideal month to plant many vegetables, herbs, and annual flowers. (See lists below)

What to plant in the low desert of Arizona in October

Before planting:
Vegetables, herbs & fruit to plant in the low desert in October:

(Click the link to read “How to Grow” articles on my website.)
SEED, TRANSPLANT, OR BOTH? S = Seed / T= Transplant

- PLANTING GUIDE: Each month lists vegetables, fruit & herbs to plant outside & seeds to start indoors.
- HARVEST GUIDE: Photos show what may be ready to harvest that month.
- Planting dates are for the low desert of Arizona (zone 9b).

Vegetable, herb & fruit seeds to start indoors in October

(Click the link for seed sources.)
Visual planting guides for vegetables, herbs, fruits, flowers & vines.

Flowers to plant in the low desert of Arizona in October

(Click the link to read “How to Grow” articles on my website.)
- African Daisy (S)
- Ageratum (T)
- Allium (bulb)
- Alyssum (ST)
- Amaryllis (bulb)
- Anemone (corm)
- Aster (T)
- Baby’s Breath (ST)
- Begonia (T)
- Bells of Ireland (S)
- Bigelow’s Purple Aster (S)
- Calendula (ST)
- Calla Lily (rhizome)
- Carnation (T)
- Chrysanthemum (T)
- Clarkia (T)
- Coreopsis (ST)
- Cornflower (S)
- Crocus (bulb)
- Daffodil (bulb)
- Dara (ST)
- Delphinium (S)
- Dianthus (T)
- Echinacea (T)
- English Daisy (T)
- Evening Primrose (T)
- Flax (S)
- Forget-Me-Not (S)
- Foxglove (T)
- Freesia (bulb)
- Gaillardia (ST)
- Gazania (T)
- Geranium (T)
- Grape Hyacinth (bulb)
- Hollyhock (ST)
- Iris (rhizome)
- Larkspur (S)
- Linaria (S)
- Lobelia (T)
- Lupine (S)
- Marigold (ST)
- Nasturtium (S)
- Ornamental Cabbage/Kale (T)
SEED, TRANSPLANT, OR BOTH? S = Seed / T= Transplant
Flower seeds to start indoors in the low desert in October

(Click the link for seed sources.)

Flowers to Plant Outside & Seeds to Start Indoors Each Month in the Low Desert of Arizona.
• PLANTING GUIDE: Each month lists annual flowers and bulbs to plant outside & seeds to start indoors.
• BLOOMING GUIDE: Photos show what may be in bloom that month.
Seed Box Labels with planting dates for vegetables and flowers

If this post about Arizona gardening during October was helpful, please share it:

Angela Judd
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