There are a lot of Philodendrons in the UK. Indoor gardeners love them because they have broad leaves that look and feel warm. Even though these plants are very famous, you should be careful with them because they can hurt people and animals.

Are Philodendrons Toxic To Humans?

Calcium oxalate, a poison that philodendrons make, is harmful to people if they eat it. If you wash your hands right away after touching the leaves, it’s fine, but if you want to be extra safe, always wear gloves when you handle your Philodendron. Also, make sure your plant is out of reach of children. If a child does eat it, they should get medical help right away.

Are Philodendrons Toxic To Cats

Any part of a Philodendron plant that you eat or drink may cause soreness in your mouth and make you drool and foam at the mouth. This irritation will spread to your gut system and make you feel bad. Poisoning from philodendrons can also sometimes lead to kidney stones.

Are Philodendrons Toxic To Pets?

Yes, cats, dogs, and other pets can get sick from philodendrons. There will be signs in your pet within two hours if they eat a Philodendron leaf. Some symptoms are:

  • Vomiting
  • Excess drooling
  • Oral irritation
  • Excess pawing at the mouth
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Foaming at the mouth
  • Loss of appetite

If any of these things happen, you should take your pet to the vet right away.

Are Outdoor Philodendrons Toxic To Wildlife?

Some small animals can get sick from Philodendron plants that are grown outside. They’ll be fine for bees and other pollinators that are only after the pollen, but they can be bad for hedgehogs, foxes, and other yard animals.

You can keep your philodendron out of reach of animals by putting it in a raised bed or a tall container. You can also put it under mesh or in a pot that hangs from the ceiling. In bigger gardens, you put a dummy or something that moves, like a wind spinner, next to it.

How Poisonous Is A Philodendron?

The philodendron is only slightly dangerous, so it won’t kill your pets. However, the effects will be stronger depending on how much of the plant the animal ate. That being said, if your pet eats any part of the plant, it can be very painful to watch them suffer and make other health problems worse.

What To Do If Your Pet Eats A Philodendron Plant?

If your cat starts to show any signs of being poisoned by a Philodendron, you should call your vet right away. It can get a lot worse for them if you wait too long because crystals will start to form in their pee. Here are some steps you should take to make things as easy as possible for your animal:

Do not try home remedies. There are many possible home remedies for Philodendron poisoning on the internet, but you should never use them because they can make the situation worse.

Get in touch with your vet right away. The longer you wait, the worse the situation may get. If your regular doctor isn’t available, call the emergency veterinary service that’s closest to you.

Take a piece of the plant. When you take your pet to the vet, you should bring a piece of the plant or leaf that it ate with you so that the vet can help figure out what’s wrong and how to treat it.

How Should I Keep My Pets Away From My Philodendron?

Cats and dogs can get sick from Philodendrons, but that doesn’t mean you should stay away from this beautiful plant. A lot of people in the UK have Philodendrons as pets without any problems. This tropical plant is beautiful, and it’s safe to enjoy. Just follow these easy steps.

If your dogs can’t get to your Philodendron, they won’t be able to discover it and eat it. Putting it in a room that your pet can’t get to is the best way to do this, but this might not always be possible. The next best thing to do is to keep your Philodendron out of reach. This works well, and you can use it in your home decor by putting trailing plants on a floating shelf, in a hanging pot, or on a table as a decoration.

To keep cats away from your philodendron, make sure there are other things around it. These close together will make the area around your plant less interesting for cats because cats don’t like them.

When cats and dogs are new to a place, they will be interested in everything. Once they get used to a new philodendron, they should stop paying attention to it. After that, falls will be the only thing to worry about. You should try to get rid of any yellowing or falling leaves before they hit the ground. If any do fall before you can pick them up, make sure your pets can only get to the plant when you’re there.

Why Do Cats Eat Houseplants?

The fact that cats have to eat meat might make you wonder why they would ever want to eat a houseplant. In general, a cat might not seem interested in veggies at all. Cats can bite, eat, and chew on houseplants most of the time, though.

Here are some reasons a cat might chew on your things:

  • Feeling bored: We all know that cats sometimes only want something fun to do. They might want to hurt your plants because it gives them something to do.
  • Not enough nutrients: Even in the wild, cats that hunt sometimes eat plants. They might need more grain, vitamins, or minerals. Because it’s in their nature, they try to make up for weak bodies.
  • Playfulness: Most of the time, philodendrons hang down a lot, which can make your cat want to hunt. They should go after these vines if all they want to do is chase and chomp.
  • Taste: It may sound crazy, but your cat might really like the way the plants taste. If that’s the case, they might bite you once in a while.

Tips To Keep Your Cats Safe From Toxic Houseplants

There are a few things you can do to keep cats and flowers from getting together.

  • Hang pots. Plant hangers that are attached to pots can look nice and be useful for cat owners. There are many types to choose from, and they are great for protecting your plants from sharp teeth and claws.
  • Put in a room with a door. If you have enough room, you can make a room just for your plants. It should get enough light for your choice to grow well. This, on the other hand, stops your cats from getting in without you knowing.
  • Build or buy shelves that are high enough for your cat to not be able to reach them. This will keep your plants out of reach.
  • Do not keep dangerous plants inside: Keeping your cat away from plants that could be dangerous is the best way to make sure it is always safe. No matter how much you love some types, you may have to make the hard decision to stay away from them.

Alternatives For Cats Who Love To Eat Plants

There is cat grass that might help your cat who loves your flowers too much. You can save your pretty plants and keep your cats safe with cat grass, which grows itself.

You can get cat grass on the web at places like Amazon and Chewy. A lot of them come in small bags or kits that you just need to fill with water and seeds. Most of the time, little sprouts will appear in three to five days. Your cat will soon have their own little patch of greens to eat.

Put cat grass in different places around the house. It can make them much less likely to look to your plants for entertainment when they’re bored.

Cats + Philodendron: Final Thoughts

You now know that philodendron plants can be slightly to fairly harmful to your cats and dogs. Always make sure that the plant is out of reach if you choose to have both. Thank goodness, plants and pets can live together safely if you take a few steps.

If your cat ate philodendron, look for signs that it is having stomach problems. Get your cat to the vet right away if you think it has had an amount that could cause severe side effects or dehydration.

Varinder Pal Singh

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