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Anwar and I don’t take ganja, says Malaysia minister Rafizi after receiving marijuana-laced toothpaste – Medical Marijuana Program Connection


KUALA LUMPUR – There was a light moment at a press conference in Malaysia’s Parliament, when Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli said he and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim do not consume cannabis.

Mr Rafizi was responding to queries by reporters after the two men received a parcel at their offices containing toothpaste with cannabis extract.

“I don’t know, it was sent to the office. I didn’t open it myself,” he said during a press conference in Parliament on Tuesday.

“It was addressed to the Prime Minister and myself. None of us takes ‘weed’ so I think it was a waste.

“(The parcel) was then given to the police station.”

A police report was lodged on Monday after an officer for Mr Rafizi received a call from a delivery service regarding the package.

The tube of toothpaste had patterns of green and white marijuana leaves, along with a “Happy Green” label.

The case is currently being probed under the Dangerous Drugs Act, which deals with the possession of raw opium, coca leaves, poppy straw and cannabis.

Mr Rafizi is also deputy president to Datuk Seri Anwar in Parti Keadilan Rakyat, a component party of Pakatan Harapan.

Separately at the same press conference, Mr Rafizi said a special task force to facilitate business – Pemudah – was committed to announcing a simplified and shorter application for expatriate permits by June.

“While this may not sound like big news to most Malaysians, it is among the top key concerns of investors and industries…

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