Antonio Brown Posts Nude Pic of Gisele Bundchen Amid Rumors Model Is Moving In With Her New Boyfriend
We hope enjoyed that brief two-week break from Gisele Bundchen-Tom Brady updates.
Because the former couple is back in the news in a big way today — and they’re bringing a couple of friends with them.
Gisele and Tom are now joined by former NFL wide receiver and noted crazy person Antonio Brown, who has spent the past several weeks gleefully posting about his ex-QB’s divorce.
But while some of AB’s anti-Brady memes have been darkly humorous, he really crossed the line with his latest trolling.

As TMZ reports Brown posted fake nude photos of Gisele on his Snapchat page today.
The pics didn’t stay up for very long, of course, but it was still an idiotic move from Brown, and we imagine the whole incident was rather humiliating for Gisele.
Brown also posted a doctored photo, in which Gisele appears to be posing with her arms around him.

The weird thing about all of this is that the story of Brown’s bizarre NFL career would be much shorter were it not for the support that he received from Brady.
Most teams considered Brown persona non grata after multiple women accused him of sexual assault, but Brady used his considerable clout to get the wide receiver signed to both the New England Patriots and the Tampa Bay Bucs.
So we guess Tom is learning a valuable lesson about sticking his neck out to protect and enable abusers?

Yes, folks, everyone in this story is bad except for Gisele, who thankfully is winning this divorce in decisive fashion.
First, the media provided constant reminders that Gisele’s net worth is far greater than her ex’s.
And now, it looks as though Bundchen might have already moved on with a new boo.

Nothing has been confirmed yet, but Gisele has been spending an awful lot of time with her yoga instructor, Joaquim Valente.
Gisele and Joaquim even took a vacation to Costa Rica together, but sources close to the non-couple swear they’re just friends.
That may be true, but we wouldn’t be surprised to learn that these two are hitting the mat and contorting themselves into all sorts of bonkers positions.

Anyway, Gisele moved into her new digs in Miami beach this week, and there have been rumors that she’ll be living with Joaquim.
It doesn’t look like that’s the case, but it’s worth noting that friends of Valente’s were spotted helping Bundchen move the last of her stuff.
Make of that what you will.

As for Tom, he’s gearing up for a matchup against the Browns this week.
And by that we mean he’s playing the Cleveland football team, not squaring off in a rumble against Antonio and entire his family.
Although honestly, that’s a possibility, too.
Tyler Johnson
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