A snapshot of attendees at the After-Hours Business Networking Event at Aloft Doral. Pictures by Lilly Rivera

Business professionals from all corners of Doral gathered at Aloft Miami Doral on May 23rd, 2024, for an exciting evening of networking and collaboration. Dubbed “Connect & Conquer,” this event was more than just a chance to swap business cards—it was a vibrant opportunity to make lasting connections and engage in enriching conversations from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

A snapshot of attendees at the After-Hours Business Networking Event at Aloft Doral. Pictures by Lilly Rivera

Unlike typical networking events, “Connect & Conquer” offered a unique platform for local movers and shakers to come together, enjoy delicious hors d’oeuvres, sip on exquisite drinks, and infuse excitement into their professional pursuits.

Attendees represented a diverse range of professionals, from seasoned entrepreneurs to up-and-coming innovators, all eager to expand their networks and forge new business relationships. Amidst the lively atmosphere, attendees found common ground, exchanged valuable insights, and laid the groundwork for potential collaborations to propel their ventures forward.

A highlight of the evening was the lively discussions and idea exchanges among like-minded individuals. Against the backdrop of Aloft Miami Doral’s vibrant setting, participants engaged in meaningful dialogues that sparked creativity and fostered innovation.

The resounding success of “Connect & Conquer” was evident in the overwhelmingly positive feedback received from attendees.

A snapshot of attendees at the After-Hours Business Networking Event at Aloft Doral. Pictures by Lilly Rivera

As the event concluded, attendees left with a renewed sense of purpose and a wealth of newfound connections to nurture. “Connect & Conquer” underscored the Doral Chamber of Commerce’s dedication to providing valuable networking opportunities that empower professionals and foster growth within the local business community.



In summary, “Connect & Conquer” was an unforgettable evening of networking, collaboration, and community-building, paving the way for future successes in Doral’s dynamic business landscape.

(Article by Manny Sarmiento, CEO of Doral Chamber of Commerce)

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