Self Help
Aniket’s Journey from Turmoil to Triumph with Therapy – YourDOST Blog
In a world where physical ailments often garner immediate attention, mental struggles tend to be overlooked, leaving individuals to grapple with their inner demons in silence. The journey from feeling lost and overwhelmed to finding clarity and strength is neither easy nor swift, but with the right support and guidance, it’s a transformation that is entirely possible.
Meet Aniket, a 30-year-old from Punjab, born and raised in the lively culture of this state. Aniket lives with his family and is the single child of his parents.
His childhood was vibrant, filled with activities like badminton, athletics, and other cluster events until he reached the 12th grade. Post-schooling and college, he took on various jobs but has recently taken a break to pursue freelancing.
Aniket’s journey with YourDOST began through his alma mater, Lovely Professional University (LPU). Though initially unaware of the importance of therapy during his college years, Aniket has come to appreciate its immense benefits now.

Aniket was introduced to YourDOST through LPU which collaborates with the organisation as their official mental health partner and extends its counseling services to alumni as well.
His counsellor, Ms Kaynat Iqbal, made a strong first impression as a good listener who could provide a comfortable space for him to open up. Despite initial hesitation, Aniket felt increasingly at ease during their sessions.
“I didn’t understand the importance of therapy in college, but now it benefits me the most. My life lessons highlight a common misconception: When we experience physical pain, we go to a physician. So when we suffer mentally, we try to hide it. I wanted to look for solutions and find people who can help me navigate through it.”
Aniket’s decision to seek therapy stemmed from a need for expert opinions on his emotional struggles. He battled overthinking, aggression, anger issues, and procrastination. These issues snowballed, making it hard for him to manage his emotions and thoughts, and even small triggers would set him off.
“I felt purposeless. Corporate challenges affected my personality, making me submissive and a people pleaser. My life felt monotonous and worthless.”
Ms. Kaynat introduced Aniket to several techniques to help him regain control over his emotions. These included breathing exercises, which helped him calm down and focus, and thought observation exercises that allowed him to understand and analyze his thoughts better.
“I was also encouraged to explore critical thinking to tackle my judgmental mindset. Ms Kaynat helped me understand the reasoning and logic behind my emotions, which enabled me to act on them more constructively.”
Through therapy, Aniket experienced several positive changes. Critical thinking improved his judgmental issues, helping him view things more objectively and less personally. He started analyzing his emotions, which reduced his tendency to react impulsively.
“My procrastination levels saw a significant improvement of about 50-60%. As I interact less with people because of my work, that’s yet to improve much,” he notes, acknowledging that some areas still need work.
Aniket expresses deep gratitude towards Ms. Kaynat for her unwavering support. “Kaynat listens to my issues without judgments. She’s my confidant and the person I could open up to. I’m so thankful for that.”
Still being on the healing journey, when asked to rate himself in terms of feeling better, Aniket gives himself a 2, emphasizing that any improvement, no matter how small, is valuable. Aniket’s story highlights the significance of mental health support and the positive impact therapy can have on one’s life. His story is a testament to resilience and the importance of seeking help when needed. Aniket’s experience with YourDOST and Ms. Kaynat Iqbal has equipped him with the tools to navigate his emotional landscape, paving the way for a more balanced and fulfilling life.
We at YourDOST are proud to be a part of Aniket’s journey and wish him continued growth and success in the future!
Aniket’s Warrior Tips:
1.“If anyone feels overwhelmed and cannot find a clear path, they should definitely seek help.”
2.“Never compare your pace of improvement with others.”
3.“Good things take time. Stay hopeful and consistent, regardless of your progress.”
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