Anesthesia May Not Work as Well on Marijuana Users — Best Life – Medical Marijuana Program Connection
If you’re a regular cannabis user, it’s a good idea to let your anesthesiologist know before your next medical procedure. According to new guidelines by the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA), anesthesia may not be as effective on heavy marijuana users. That means these patients have an increased likelihood of more pain than usual while recovering from surgery. Even more concerning, the guidelines state that getting high right before an operation can spike your risk of heart complications, including heart attack.
Read on to learn more, and to find out what you can do to help ensure that your next medical procedure goes smoothly.
READ THIS NEXT: 4 Instant Health Benefits of Quitting Marijuana, According to Experts.
If you regularly use marijuana, you could be in a world of pain after your next operation, suggest the ASRA’s new guidelines.
While many people use marijuana to help with pain management, experts say high doses can actually increase pain and counteract the effects of anesthesia. So whether you use it recreationally or for medicinal purposes, consider cutting back before going under.
“Even though some people use cannabis therapeutically to help relieve pain, studies have shown regular users may have more pain and nausea after surgery, not less, and may need more medications, including opioids, to manage the discomfort,”…
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