Dating & Love
An Open Letter to the Boy I Was Told Didn’t Exist
Thank You for Proving Them Wrong
First, I want to thank you for proving them wrong. I can’t tell you how many times I was told what I was looking for “just doesn’t exist.” There were moments where I almost threw in the towel and settled for second-rate as I started listening to those who told me I didn’t have to lower my standards, just make them more “realistic.” Yet, you are the most realistic and fairytale-like man I have ever met.
Thank You for Teaching Me How to Love
Second, I want to thank you for teaching me how to love. I had always been taught that a man should love a woman the way Christ loves the Church, but I never knew that by loving you, I would learn of the faithfulness, gentleness, patience, and compassion of our Father.
In this world, love is transactional. You give to get, and if the relationship isn’t beneficial one hundred percent of the time, you get left. You’ve taught me that bad days or weeks, or months are okay to have. You have shown me that love does not hinge on performance or what a person can give another person. Instead, it solidifies itself into the deepest, most secretive places of our hearts. It tears down walls to build castles. It fights nightmares to encourage dreams. And it grows roots so that storms can’t blow it away or tear it down. You have shown me that true love, the kind of love that stays, can only originate from the Father. Then, we can share it with others.
Thank You for Being My Friend
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would find a man who would not only give me roses and willingly listen to my Taylor Swift fan-girl sessions but would double as a best friend. You sit for hours and listen to me ramble on about life’s drama. You participate in spa nights with me (sometimes un-begrudgingly) when you know I’m not feeling my best. You encourage me to take risks and put myself out there, all while cheering for me in the background. You’re a confidant and lifeline that I only ever prayed would exist.
I Am So Proud of You
I also want you to know that I am proud of you. This world is a cruel place. It tears down dreams and runs over those who don’t uphold its sinful standards. Yet somehow, I have seen you walk into the dark parts of this world and let your light shine on those who inhabit the darkness. You never impose judgment, nor do you carry yourself in a boastful manner. You simply walk up to those who are hurting and offer a hand. You reflect the kindness of Jesus so well every day.
Your kindness is something that I have grown to anticipate in every area. No matter how small the gesture or large the inconvenience, you never fail to show others that they have value. You never stop fighting to fill the void of loneliness and misdirection in this world with Jesus’ love. I will forever be proud of who you are and honored to stand by your side.
I Will Always Be Your Biggest Fan
I want you to know that on the days you feel torn down, I will still be cheering you on. When life seems to have no direction, you can always come to me. I know the best and the worst parts of you. So on the days everyone else gets to see the best of you, I will be there in the crowd of smiling faces. I will be the one cheering the loudest and beaming the brightest. And on the days that everyone sees the worst, I’ll stand in front of you, making sure that no one gets to harm the heart that I have come to know and love so well. I will take the harsh words or sentiments, so you don’t have to. I will always cheer for you, love you, and support you no matter what.
I want you to dream big
I want to remind you of how capable and wise you are. You have a tenacity for the things that fill you with passion and a tendency to solve rather complicated issues. I believe in you more than anything, and I want you to remember that God is always on your side. There is so little that is in our control, but there is nothing that is out of God’s. Pray big and dream big because I believe our God has big plans for you. I believe He is going to use you in ways that you never thought possible and that are too large for you to fathom right now. Don’t sell yourself short, and don’t put God in a box. Dream the big dream, do the hard work, and then trust that God will take you the rest of the way right into His plan for you.
Thank you for helping me trust
When we met, I told you it would take me a long time to trust you fully. In all honesty, I expected that to offend you, at the very least. You were not the reason for my lack of trust, but you were the one who was being hurt nay it. Yet, you looked at me with eyes full of compassion and told me that it was okay to be guarded. You insisted that you would show me rather than tell me that I could trust you. As usual, you held strong to your word and slowly taught me that true and pure trust is a beautiful thing that I shouldn’t shy away from but welcome into my life.
I love you
Lastly, I just want you to know that I love you. You are the prince I sang with Sleeping Beauty as a little girl. You are the friend I lacked in elementary school. You are the crush that I daydreamed about finding in middle school. You are the confidence boost that I craved in high school. You are the dream come true that I met in college. You are my answered prayer. And you most definitely exist.
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/monkeybusinessimages
Olivia Lauren is a graduate student passionate about Scripture, particularly the Book of Romans showcasing God’s grace. Outside her studies, she enjoys teaching her dog new tricks and finding quicker ways to silence the smoke alarm after trying a new recipe.
Olivia Lauren
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