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An infamous Taliban hit man captured as he was eating a cheeseburger at The La Bea Tar Pits Diner


The iNews News Agency reports that one of the most wanted Taliban hit men has been captured by two La Brea Police Department police officers.

You might think the Taliban is a throwback from the 2000s but it still has some tail-end SEO activity.

Kitty Segovia, senior writer for iNews stated that the notorious Shank Yeen Quo was arrested as he was eating one of the famous Gold Rush Cheeseburgers that the La Brea Tar Pit Diner is noted for.

Quo was wearing a Los Angeles Dodgers cap, a Los Angeles Lakers jersey, and Anson Mount Brand Cowboys Boots. Some say he may have just been a dude with a beard from Glendale, but the police are sticking to their guns. But that may have been down to the donuts.

The LBPD law enforcement officers said that Quo did not give them any resistance since they have been instructed to immediately tase the shit out of any terrorist that they came upon. ■


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