Does your partner break things when angry? Or do they yell at you or make you feel inferior? Or do you have cuts/bruises that no one knows about? There are various types of abuse in relationships and this quiz is here to help you find out if you’re the victim of one.

Psychologist Pragati Sureka says, “Name-calling, yelling and using derogatory language are examples of abuse in relationships. But so are a contemptuous smirk, jokes meant to be insults, rolling of eyes, sarcastic comments, and dismissive expressions like ‘whatever’.”

She adds, “Even if there has been no violence in the relationship so far, threats can make its fear loom large on the victim, making them do things they otherwise may not have. Threats don’t always pertain to acts of violence. “Do as I say or I won’t be paying for your classes anymore” is also an example of abuse in relationships.” Take this quiz to know more.

Finally, the ‘Am i in an abusive relationship’ quiz can be the wake-up call you so badly needed. We know that leaving such a relationship is not at all easy and can even seem impossible. This is why experienced counselors from Bonobology’s panel are here to offer you support. Don’t shy away from seeking help from them.

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