Give me a head with hair, long beautiful hair … damn hippies! What would Richard Millhouse (D’oh!) Nixon think? Hair isn’t for protesting – the hairless have spoken.
During the Age of Aquarius, the hippies grew their hair as a rebellion against the crew cuts and beehives of their parents. Long hair was for rebels. Fight the power! Then tangles happened and people started eating their hair with their lunch, and some finally said, maybe it’s time for a cut.
Now, cutting hair for women is a protest. In Iran. Cut, ladies, you’re not alone. Juliette Binoche, Marion Cotillard, Isabelle Adjani and Isabelle Huppert and tons of other women all around the world have cut their hair in solidarity with the tortured women of Iran.
Joan of Arc needed to get her helmet on, and the Flappers of the 1920s needed to do the Charleston without blinding themselves, it’s such a vigorous dance. Women have been told by men that they need to have long flowing locks to attract the male of the species. Remember, ladies, you do everything for the men of the world.
The imams and mullahs of Iran are fucking pissed off! They’re bald! The best hair they have on their bodies is on their chins. They live in the Year 1099 or thereabouts, when Byzantine beards meant you were wise. These old men are fucking old, and won’t let go of the past accept to buy themselves cell phones and Teslas and AK-47s to do God’s work. God has a beard and Jesus had hippie hair plus a beard. (Does this mean Cousin Itt is the wisest “male” of all?)
Hair for men has meant different things, but for women only one: be pretty or men will call you ugly.
All this tied up in a head of hair. Men tell women to be always pretty, otherwise the male boner will descend – and possibly never come back up! And the worst thing you can do to a man is mock his dick.
Whaddaya say, ladies, time for a trim?