Pop Culture
All The Fun Taylor Swift References On Jordana Bryant’s ‘Taylor 4 President’
Our favorite stars, they’re just like us! You already know we at The Honey POP are huge Taylor Swift fans, and Jordana Bryant recently released the playful ‘Taylor 4 President’ to celebrate Taylor’s legacy and impact. The pop-country anthem will have you listening for Easter eggs and dancing around your room while you get hyped to vote in this November’s election. It’s yet another example of Jordana’s ability to write witty lyrics that will set up camp in your mind and heart!
As an 18-year-old getting ready to vote for the first time, I’m hopeful this election year to find a candidate who speaks to me – someone that I can get excited about supporting. I think what makes Taylor Swift a really powerful songwriter and entertainer is how she connects with her fans and how relatable her music is. It’d be wonderful to have someone running for president with that similar universal relatability and ability to connect all kinds of people. By releasing this song, I want to bring some lightheartedness to the genuine changes myself and my peers hope to see this November. If nothing else, I hope it’s a reminder for voters, especially first-time voters like myself, to vote for what they want their future to look like.
Jordana Bryant
Listen to ‘Taylor 4 President’ below, then keep reading for our breakdown of the lyrical references Jordana slipped in to honor Taylor’s work! See how many you can figure out on your own before we compare notes 👀
“This Is The Time For A Matriarchy…”
Has there been a more iconic moment in Swiftiedom than finally hearing what lyric made ‘All Too Well (Ten Minute Version)’ explicit? There are very few moments that could top it! “F*ck the patriarchy” has gone on to become one of Taylor’s most rallying lyrics, with the crowds at the Eras Tour screaming it at the top of their lungs. And we still haven’t had a female president, so this tie-in works perfectly.
“You Said It Yourself That You’d Be The Man…”
Taylor did, in fact, say that she’d be the man! Her 2019 single ‘The Man’ reflects on the double standards that women and men face in the entertainment business and life in general. She notes that men are allowed to “brag about raking in dollars and getting b*tches and models” while women in the spotlight are often shamed for their business moves and dating lives. But she refuses to let that get her down, insisting, “if I was a man, then I’d be the man.”
“We Could Really Use Your Mastermind…”
In her music, visuals, and beyond, Taylor is a total creative powerhouse and always has such innovative ideas. This line specifically references her 2022 track ‘Mastermind,’ which plays with the idea that she plans absolutely everything out. Her powerful mind hasn’t let us down over the years!
“This Summer Would Be Far From A Cruel One…”
So we’ve all had ‘Cruel Summer’ on a constant repeat since the summer of 2019, right?! If not, get on that! The song has made history and become one of Taylor’s most well-known tracks, reaching #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 four years after its release thanks to the hype of the Eras Tour.
“My Mother Would Breathe Easy If You Won…”
Yay, some recognition for the deep cuts on Taylor’s 2008 album, Fearless! ‘Breathe’ is a melancholy song about parting ways with a friend through a difficult time, and we love how Jordana spun the title here. Here, it’s almost like hoping not to part ways with the idea of a better future while you worry about the outcome of an election.
“It’s Time For The Era Where You’re In Control Of All Of The Polls…”
Taylor running for president would totally usher in a new era, and this line plays on the success of the Eras Tour to make that point! Eras is a career-spanning victory lap for Taylor to celebrate her legacy and music with millions of fans worldwide, both physically at the shows with social content, and through fan livestreams of the concerts.
“You’d Be The Best Thing In The West Wing / With Her Own Kind Of Army…”
The second verse of ‘Taylor 4 President’ includes two references to the lyrics of Taylor’s song ‘You’re Losing Me,’ which was a Vault addition to Midnights. The lyrics in question are “I’m the best thing at this party” and “fighting in only your army.” Jordana flipped the latter to reference the military power the president has, while also celebrating Swifties and their passionate support for Taylor!
“Queen Of 13…”
Finally, we can’t have a tribute to Taylor without referencing her lucky number, 13! She used to paint it on the back of her hand before every concert, often won her earliest awards while sitting in the 13th row of seats, and now has a bedazzled 13 on her silver Fearless guitar on the Eras Tour.
What do you think of Jordana Bryant’s ‘Taylor 4 President?’ Which of these lyrical references is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below or hit us up on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
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Madison Murray
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