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Alec Baldwin Makes Small ‘SNL’ Cameo In Sleep Story Skit: “Let’s Get Calm!”


Welcome back, Alec Baldwin! The longtime SNL presence returned for an oh-so-brief cameo at the end of a skit involving the taping of a sleep story.

In a bit featuring Punkie Johnson and Andrew Dismukes, Timothée Chalamet is tasked with recording a tale that’s supposed to put folks into a deep slumber — except it devolves into this weird story involving a woman named Daphne and how she stepped in a “moon pie.”

“Wait, so the sleep study is about a dog pooping in a garden?” asked Chalamet.

Johnson and Dismukes are puzzled why Chalamet has interrupted the recording session and urges him to continue.

It gets worse – the dog poo part, that is. Chalamet is told to put some anger into the story, and ends up screaming after saying Daphne picked up a dung-covered rock.

That’s not what Dismukes and Johnson want. “With all due respect, you are a nightmare to work with,” Dismukes said to Chalamet, before firing him.

“Who’s up next, maybe someone good!” says Dismukes.

In walks Baldwin, who’s clearly ready to roll. “Testing 1, 2, 3,” he said in the mic. “Okay, everybody let’s get calm!”

And that’s a wrap. That’s all Baldwin signed up to do, though he did appear on stage when Chalamet said goodnight to everyone.


Lynette Rice

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