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Alaska law officer killed in muskox attack outside his house
JUNEAU, Alaska — A court services officer with the Alaska State Troopers died Tuesday after being attacked by a muskox outside his home near Nome, the agency said.
Curtis Worland was trying to scare away a group of muskox from near a dog kennel at his home when one of the animals attacked him, according to a statement from the troopers that said Worland was declared dead at the scene.
Court services officers are law enforcement officers that provide prisoner transport services, courthouse security and court document service, troopers spokesperson Austin McDaniel said. He could not immediately say how many animals were part of the group that Worland was trying to keep away.
The Alaska State Troopers, Alaska Wildlife Troopers and state Department of Fish and Game are investigating.
Muskoxen are stocky, long-haired animals with slight shoulder humps and horns and can weigh up to 800 pounds (363 kilograms), according to the fish and game department.