Self Help
Akshat’s Story of Getting Back into the Game with Therapy – YourDOST Blog
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” – Charles R. Swindoll
Heartbreak can feel as isolating as Frodo’s journey through Middle-earth in The Lord of the Rings, where the struggle to find connection and safety in a lonely world, becomes a daily battle. It can also be as overwhelming as Bella’s experience in Twilight, where the emotions of love and loss collide in a whirlwind of intensity. Love and trust are two different faces of the same coin, which when not used in need, can break down years of work and patience.
Akshat, a 19-year-old B.Tech engineering student at the prestigious IIT Bombay, found himself facing a similar challenge in his own life.
Growing up in Bihar, Akshat comes from a close-knit family of four, including his parents and younger sister. He is closest to his father and seeks his advice regarding his career as he beholds him as his guiding light.
“Despite the distance, I maintain a strong bond with my cousins, who are my closest friends and confidants as well. My sister and I share a rather distant relationship owing to our age differences.”
In his free time, Akshat indulges in a variety of hobbies, from reading books to learning new skills. Recently, he has taken up martial arts and learned to swim, both of which have helped him stay active and focused.
However, when Akshat’s relationship with his partner took an unexpected turn, he found himself in need of guidance and support.
When Akshat’s relationship ended, he found himself struggling to cope with the emotions that followed. He turned to YourDOST mental health platform, which his college had partnered with as their official mental health partner, to seek therapy sessions. Here, he met his counsellor Ms Primili, who made a lasting impression from their first meeting.
“She created a safe and comfortable space for me to express my feelings without judgment, which helped me feel valued and heard. She was an empathetic listener and focused on my betterment more than anything.”

The primary reason for Akshat seeking therapy was his relationship issues. He had been deeply invested in the relationship and was devastated when it ended. His ex-girlfriend had been his partner in the coaching class during their 12th grade, and everything had seemed perfect until she began ghosting him after the JEE exam.
“She eventually returned and apologized, but the cycle of on-again, off-again continued until she cheated on me.”
The aftermath of the separation was overwhelming for Akshat, and he struggled to move forward. He blamed himself for his heartbreak and couldn’t accept that now he had to move on with his life without waiting for anyone.
Ms Primili helped Akshat navigate this difficult period by advising him to start a new hobby, which he did by learning to swim. She also encouraged him to cut off all contact with his ex and focus on reconnecting with his friends and family.
“Another practical activity she suggested was journaling my thoughts and emotions, which helped me analyze and process my feelings. This activity guided me into thinking about my emotions first before acting upon them.”
Through his therapy sessions, Akshat began to focus more on the present and less on the past. He learned to let go of the guilt and shame associated with the breakup and understand that it wasn’t his fault.
This newfound perspective helped him move forward and focus on his personal growth. He became confident in himself and learnt the art of letting go gracefully, something he wasn’t able to bring himself to do.
Akshat expresses his gratitude towards Ms. Primili, “She helped me more than I could have ever done myself. I am grateful for the guidance she provided, which helped me become the best version of myself and regain control over my life.”
In terms of his progress, Akshat rates his betterment as a solid 4 out of 5. He continues to work on focusing on the present and being better than yesterday, competing with himself to achieve his goals.
Akshat’s journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of therapy. His path from feeling lost and helpless to finding clarity and strength highlights the importance of seeking help when needed.
By sharing his story, Akshat hopes to inspire others who may be going through similar struggles to seek help and find the strength to move forward. We at YourDOST are extremely proud of his journey and wish him the best for his future!
Akshat’s Warrior Tips:
1.“If you’re going through hell, move forward. You wouldn’t want to be in hell forever.”
2.“In life, when we lose our way, the people around us guide us back. Don’t be afraid to seek help and support from those who care about you.”
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