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Agatha All Along Star Hopes It’s The ‘Gayest Marvel Project Yet’
Agatha All Along, the upcoming Disney+ series spinoff of yet another Disney+ series (WandaVision) which was a spin-off of Marvel’s Avengers movies, premieres September 18 on the streaming service. The show will follow the titular character Agatha (Kathryn Hahn) who is trying to restore her witch powers after losing a magical battle with Wanda Maximoff. In her attempts to regain her magical abilities, Agatha creates her own coven of witches, composed of actors like Patti Lupone, Aubrey Plaza, Sasheer Zamata, and Debra Jo Rupp. During the red carpet premiere of Agatha All Along, we learned that there may be some extracurricular coven activities going on—namely, a queer romance.
During the premiere, Variety red carpet correspondent Marc Malkin told Plaza he’d heard that Agatha All Along was the “gayest Marvel project yet.”
“It better be, because that’s what I signed up for,” Plaza quipped after sassily rolling her neck.
In the show, Plaza plays a green witch (who are typically herbalists and healers) named Rio Vidal, who has quite the history with Agatha. It’s clear from the teaser trailer that there’s some magic between the two, and Malkin describes their chemistry as “Law And Order meets Basic Instinct meets Bound.” “You’re speaking my language,” Plaza responded. “All of that, yes. More, more, more.” Malkin then asks if the show gets gayer and gayer as it goes on, to which Plaza replies with, “Yes, darling, but I can’t tell you how. I can’t tell you anything. But yes, it will be a gay explosion.”
Plaza is notoriously playful in interviews, so it’s possible she’s exaggerating the series’ queerness—but I’m hoping she’s not! Witches have long been a persecuted people cast out from society for their otherness (or femmes wrongfully accused of witchcraft for daring to buck societal norms), so there has always been a clear cultural overlap between conjurers and the queer community. Modern practicing witches see their craft as a reclamation of power, something that the LGBTQIA+ can appreciate.
Plus, Plaza and Hahn are both hilarious, hot, talented women—why not give us a little lesbian love affair between two of the funniest contemporary actors? I’m incredibly here for it.
Agatha All Along’s first two episodes premiere on Disney+ on September 18 at 6 p.m. PT/9 p.m. ET. Then the series will release one episode per week until Halloween week, when the final two will drop back-to-back. It’s spooky season, bitches.
Alyssa Mercante
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