KABUL, Afghanistan – (Spoof Satire) – The Sandstone News Agency reports that Afghanistan and Russia have finalized plans on a superb trade that will benefit both countries (but mostly Afghanistan).
According to a rep for Sandstone, Afghani President Abu Taboo Fashu and Russian President Vlady Nikita Putin are both as giddy as schoolgirls at a Justin Bieber concert over the trade deal.
Russia will be getting 700 adult camels, which will join their travelling circus which has been mobilized in Ukraine since 2022.
In exchange, Afghanistan will receive a variety of fancy items, including a giant rubber chicken, a unicycle, a dozen clown noses, a pogo stick, and a collection of whoopee cushions.
SIDENOTE: Putin has also promised to include 90 cases of his signature Comrade Vlady 180 Proof Vodka, which is guaranteed to make even the most serious politicians act like clowns. Which explains a lot.