Self Help
Aastha’s Story of Emerging Out With Stability From Her Pitfalls Through Counseling – YourDOST Blog
Aastha is 28 years old and works at Great Learning as a Program Manager.
Growing up in a supportive family was an add-on for her. She was born and brought up in Delhi studied at the eminent Delhi University, and was an all-rounder. She cherished childhood deep friendships and was blessed with a family loving caring, nurtured and thrived in a good childhood.
Her hobbies include basketball, arts and crafts, travelling, and a little bit of everything.

“Living in a fantasy world is a sweet escape from the harsh realities of the real world. It’s like stepping into a new dimension where anything is possible. But, striking a balance between the two is crucial. It’s a delicate dance between the two, but it’s a dance worth learning.”
Aastha expressed that she did take therapy in the past but it did not go well and she decided to give it some time to grow as a person and become more emotionally mature and then see how she feels about it.
She was keen to understand and work towards her self-development. Living in the 21st century dealing with emotional difficulties is common. Our friendship and relationship dynamics have changed drastically. Adapting to change has become difficult, due to time constraints we have become more reserved physically and extravagant on socials.
Aastha was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to avail the facility provided by YourDOST, which partnered with her organisation to provide mental health support.
“I was a little sceptical about trying therapy, I booked the session after a series of rigourous research and it was an altogether different experience. I had never imagined it would work this way.”

Aastha faced difficulty making decisions with her therapist and she finally was able to choose somebody she related the best with after multiple trials.
“She was very light and I felt seen and heard her aura was positive and she understand the root of problem.”
Her counsellor and Aastha as a part of the therapy practice made sure to set expectations from both sides, identify triggers, and embark on a structured mode of therapy.
She expressed that she needed someone to guide her through the decision-making procedure and support her in handling her emotions as it was difficult for her.
Therapy was a place for her to self-improve instead of battling through the best version of myself, build her mental health, and work on her New Year resolution.
“I was curious to build the flexibility of handling challenges and grow bigger professionally and also develop tactics to deal with things that came my way.”
Aastha expressed that she wanted to understand her personality and brain and gain perspectives on how to deal with tricky situations with a positive outlook. Additionally, she aimed to actively work out some of her past complexities, grow out of them, and move on.
She felt lonely which fed her mind into thinking that she was emotionally weak. She needed a magic wand to spell those magic words to get herself out of such situations.
Aastha tried her luck with therapy and found herself a torch bearer who could walk her out of the tunnel of darkness.
“Happiness can be found even at the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn the light.” – Dumbledore
Her counselor’s words instantly eased her. Her counsleor was patient with her understanding of her needs. She suggested effective techniques to solve her emotional troubles. She did not impose but helped her understand the benefits of trying these techniques in her day-to-day life.
“My counselor stood like a pillar of strength for me. She motivated me and pushed me to learn to drive my emotions.”
She suggested journalling, writing down sentences about what went by and remembering them after a month. She practised mindful exercises to feel grounded and not overwhelmed.

Aastha believes the emotional support helped her inner self to learn new about herself. She has grown into a better decision-maker. She is more confident than ever before. She feels that it helped her develop her personality and has changed the way she perceives things.
“I am able to understand myself and my reaction to situations, handle personal and prefessional relationships better.”
When we asked her if she had a word of gratitude to share with her counselor Aastha replied:
“She is very knowledgeable and knows her way. Her personality helps people associate with her and also goes with the flow without pressing her opinions on people.”
Aastha felt much better post-therapy sessions. She embraced her emotional wealth. She has become brave enough to fight her battles. She is still on her path to becoming a better version of herself.
She rates herself a solid 4 out of 5 in terms of getting better post-therapy.
Aastha’s Warrior Tips:
1.“If you’re struggling with decision-making, take a deep breath and think it through. It would be difficult at first but it would be worth it.”
2.“There is a lot of darkness and negativity around the world but there is a ray of hope too that maintains the balance all around.”
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