AARDVARK Tactical’s PROJECT7 Launches P7 Saves Initiative, Celebrates First Save
LA VERNE, Calif., February 15, 2024 (
PROJECT7 Armor is proud to announce the launch of its new P7 Saves Initiative. This project celebrates the resilience of law enforcement and military personnel who survive critical incidents in the field while wearing PROJECT7 products. The program will highlight the inspiring survival stories of the men and women PROJECT7 was founded to protect.
P7 Saves launches with the story of Jordan Robison, a San Bernardino, California, police officer who survived multiple gunshot wounds from a 10mm Glock during a vehicle takedown of an attempted murder suspect in August 2021. Robison was hit seven times, with five rounds hitting outside the coverage of his PROJECT7 Scalable Entry Vest. Robison was struck once in each arm (fracturing both), once in the shoulder, once in the abdomen below his armor, and once in the leg, shattering his femur. Two rounds were stopped by his armor, with one deflecting off his cummerbund creating a grazing wound to his side and the second in the center of his rifle plate directly over his abdominal aorta.
After multiple surgeries and intensive physical and occupational therapy, Robison was released from the hospital to continue his road to recovery. Today, Robison is retired from law enforcement and working toward becoming a physician’s assistant. His goal is to work in the same hospital that treated him.
Robison’s survival was due in large part to the heroic actions of his team members. This is especially true for Officer Chris Shipley, who treated Robison with his own tourniquet despite also being shot in the leg, and medic Spence Brumbaugh who kept Robison alive during transport, giving the trauma team precious time to save Robison once he arrived at the hospital.
Reflecting on the experience, Robison said, “If I had to say one thing to the people who trained me, to all the people I’ve worked with over the years, to the people who made my armor, to the doctors who actually saved me — from the bottom of my heart, thank you.”
AARDVARK CEO and founder of PROJECT7 Jon Becker summed up the experience saying, “Jordan is the first save for PROJECT7. When we set out to build PROJECT7, we knew that, eventually, someone’s life would depend upon our armor. That is why we chose the best possible ballistic partner in Safariland and it’s what inspired us to build the best possible armor system. It is hard to express how grateful we are that Jordan is alive and healthy to experience the rest of his life.”
Jordan Robison’s story is a real-world example of PROJECT7’s purpose. To celebrate this occasion, PROJECT7 released a short documentary of his story, which can be found at
PROJECT7 is the culmination of years of research and development geared toward producing the ultimate integrated tactical armor systems. PROJECT7 is sold exclusively to sworn military, law enforcement, and federal agents through our sole-source distribution partner AARDVARK Tactical.
Source: AARDVARK Tactical