Self Help
A tribute to Queen Elizabeth II with reflections about life, loss and love.
My Queen, our Queen. A human who chose her role on a soul level and came into her life to leave a lasting impression on us all. Whether you feel love for Queen Elizabeth II or you do not, it cannot be denied that her Majesty kept a promise for 70 years and saw her people through almost a century of changes and challenges. She did this with grace, faith, love and strength. If I leave this world and people can remember me with words such as truth, serenity, wisdom, consistency, stay, then I will be very proud indeed.
I spent the first 34 years of my life in England and I am grieving. My family and loved ones are still in my Motherland and the passing of the Queen has brought for me, homesickness and longing to grieve with my loved ones around me. I now reside in New Zealand and it is breaking my heart to feel the low vibrations from many of my fellow countrymen. I have been reflecting a lot on why others can comfortably expel nasty things straight after someone has passed. The lack of respect and the ignorance of many people, both strangers online and peers of my own kids shakes me and upsets me further. Our own school has not shown any empathy for those families that mourn, the only recognition is an announcement and the end of a news post on the website to inform us that the school will be closed on September 26th. My heart weeps for the future if emotionless people in positions of leadership continue to deprive our children of history and love. In all honesty, it is times like this when I want to leave this new land as it feels to me the people are also in their infancy of soul depth, it feels like there is a deep resentment and nasty essence to so many. I know I can turn this deep sadness of awareness around and I do know I can choose and draw love to me and my reality. Perhaps I am wallowing in these feelings and creating more of them as I try to find some meaning and understanding in the grief I feel.
Grief, when it comes, in my opinion, has a way of swooping up past emotions that have been buried and that are still carried in ones body and mind, even if deep within and had hoped to be healed. These past few years we have seen a massive amount of loss and with each departing feeling, person, situation, relationship, body part (yes even an extracted tooth is a loss and has energetic consequences) we now have an opportunity to grieve together and shift up and out of the ties of loss, to hopefully a new and different page. There are massive changes, happening at a speed that we have never known before and we have to see the moments that hurt, as an opportunity to lift, change, let go and allow for new. We can always remember and recall, we can feel love and gratitude for all that went before us. The only real moment though, is the one we are in right now as we live and breathe. What I type now will be history seconds from now. But the feelings I hope to encourage by writing these words, for us all, are those of pride, thankfulness, happiness.
When I think of my Queen, our Queen, I feel pure love so much my heart swells and hurts. I feel proud of the life I came to be in that I might watch from afar the examples of family, togetherness, selflessness and dedication. I’m not here to give a history lesson or tell anyone else what to think, but I do feel so much better getting my emotions out here and I hope that the contrast of the feelings of others, the feelings that are brought up can unite humans further, at a time when it feels there is so much loss, so many goodbyes and so much change ahead. The Queen sought to unite and I believe that is what she accomplished above all else. Even in her death, the healing of old wounds from centuries of lives before us, I do so hope, can be healed and felt so that we may grow into humans that one day will all be equal on every level of the word.
To round up, thanks for reading. I would like to acknowledge our PDA autistic community at times when there is great emotion. We sensitives feel deeply even if we are unsure of why. Picking up on the high and low vibrations of energy that are generated from big emotions from so very many souls across the globe can be very unsettling and confusing if we don’t know how to regulate or understand why we are feeling so much. I get so upset when others don’t feel like me because it feels so heartless. But we have to know not everyone is able to feel on the same range, or express in the same way. If you are supporting a sensitive or are one like me, then please take the time to pop into your inner self and sit with your emotions for a bit. Are they yours? Are you taking on too much of others? Can you take some quiet time to say your own prayers and set your own intentions? Be gentle to each other and yourselves and know that just like the rainbows over Buckingham palace, there is always a rainbow in each and every one of us.
Thanks for reading. I really did need that xxx
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